Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

For some reason I was feeling a little left out this year. I felt like everyone else was going somewhere or having someone over, and I was just cooking for our little family! By Wednesday I was thinking I should have invited someone over, but I don't know anyone that doesn't have somewhere to go!

So I tried to make it special by using the dishes K's grandmother left us. This year I rescued them from the garage and put them into the hutch, and so it was nice to be able to pull them out and use them.

And the Girl helped me, which was nice. She wore her swimming goggles when she cut the onions, as they were making her cry.

I'd asked her what I should make this year, thinking maybe I could cut out a dish or two that maybe wasn't crucial. But no, she named every. single. dish. I usually make for Thanksgiving. Plus biscuits.

So we had:

Turkey (I cook it over a bunch of garlic cloves, which makes the gravy yummy)
mashed potatos
sweet potato pie
broccoli cheese casserole
cranberry salsa (mostly for me)

We gave thanks for family, friends, health and plentiful food. And I always am grateful for indoor plumbing and electricity!

Hope everyone else had a yummy day!

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