Monday, February 04, 2008

Weekend update

It was an unusual weekend for me because I got sick. I don't think I get sick that often, so that must be why it bothered me so much.

Friday started out nicely enough. I found a mistake on a prior year tax return for a client, and got him a nice refund this year. Then I had a meeting with my new sales boss. I told him I already had a few transactions lined up for this year, which I thought would be good news. Instead, he told me that since they are a "professional" company, they could only keep salespeople that have 4 transactions minimum per year. So I should think about that.

Surprised, blurted out that this new "rule" would leave out nearly all the salespeople in the office, but he didn't care about that. He said something about having people who you know what they're going to do rather than people who you're not sure. It seems to me that they're working toward shutting down that office. So even tho moving away from this company has been on my mind for over a year now, it was an unwelcome conversation. It means I have to get my butt into gear in yet another direction.

Friday was also "Senior Recognition Night" for the basketball team. Before the game, they called each of the seniors up, and their families. We lined up under a large balloon arch, and they gave the mothers some flowers and the fathers a gift, spoke a little about the senior, and then we walked across the court.

It was a tough game, but the Boy played a lot and played well. Our team was down by 17 points, came back to nearly win, but ended up losing by 2 points. The Boy never looked more aggressive, blocking shots and getting lots of rebounds. I think that's the highest I've ever seen him jump!

Most of the parents were going out after the game, and I had planned to go too. But I'd started getting sick on Friday, and I just didn't feel up to it. Mostly I was just coughing, but it was a bad cough that had me worried and wiped me out. Plus, it was already almost 10pm, and the Girl had to get to bed as her soccer team had a game the next day. So I stayed home with her, and K represented me at the restaurant, where they all had a nice time. He got home pretty late.

I had really wanted to go, as we've known these other senior parents about 7 years now and it's all coming to a close. So you know how bad I was feeling to miss it.

I took a Mucinex to help my cough, but I think that's what kept me up all night. Although I MUST have slept some, I felt like I wasn't sleeping all night, and I looked at the clock almost every hour. So if you have a stuffy head in the daytime, take Mucinex. If you have a cough or need to sleep, maybe take something else.

Saturday was The Girl Show. We had to leave at 7:15 to be in Camarillo by 8:30 am for the State Cup playoffs. It was a really nice day, but a little chilly. Camarillo seems like a nice agricultural town by the ocean, and I wouldn't mind living there.
And I never say that! It's hard to beat where I already live, at least weatherwise.

The first game was at 9:30, and the girls won 1-0 against a blue/white team.

Between games, we all went to Carrows to eat. Then, K and I napped in the car. I spread out in the back seat, and K put down the back of his seat. I even heard him snoring! We've never done that before. I was really quite a baby about being sick.

The second game was against one of the teams that beat our team in the League Cup. I think because of this loss, people were writing in some local forum that our team just wasn't that good! This other team started out strong and spent too much time down by our goal, so I was worried. But our team played tougher, I guess, because after awhile most of the time was spent near THEIR goal, and we ended up winning 3-0. The Girl even got put forward for a few minutes and got an assist!

Ahh, sweet revenge.

Later that evening, the Girl had a basketball game. She played 3 games in one day! Her team won easily, 30-14. In fact, they've got 4 good shooters on her team, and the most any other team has is 2. So I'm a little afraid that they're going to cream the other teams in this little league, except that at this age everyone's shooting is very inconsistent. The Girl scored 6 points, down from 10 the previous 2 weekends.

Sunday morning we woke up and it was raining again. I checked our email, and sure enough, the day's soccer was canceled. I was feeling a bit better, but still a bit sluggish. We let the Girl sleep late, K went to church, and I started laundry. Around lunchtime, the Girl and I ran out to get a few things at Target. Then home to watch the Superbowl. We relaxed in front of the TV, and I made yet another hat. The game turned out to be very exciting, and a lot of the commercials were pretty funny.

I finished reading Julia Child's "My Life in France." It was a fun and interesting book, but the end was sad. It was a nice, relaxing day, and a really good game. A nice way to end the week.

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