Saturday, December 09, 2006

Authority Issues

My bad luck with authority continues, evidently. The other day I went to pick up the daughter at school, and stopped at a curb to see if I could see her before I proceeded into the pickup line. A policeman drove by, but I wasn't too worried because my car was still running. But he pulled up beside me! So I waved at him, like OK, OK, and I went ahead and pulled forward and into the pickup spot. Luckily the Girl WAS right there, which was good because he still stopped right beside me. So she got into the car he let me go home.


Then yesterday I parked in a 20-minute spot in Shoppers Row, behind some shops at Lake and Del Mar in Pasadena. I was going to the Sansai Grill, which is so delicious. Then I noticed that Tower Records was having a going-out-of-business sale, so I went over to have a look. I never saw so many CDs and DVDs that I DIDN'T want. Or know anyone who wanted. I mean, even at $10, you want it to be something a person actually WANTS. (I did manage to find a Ben Harper CD, but I totally took a chance because I only think I might like it.)

Anyway, you know how this story must end. I went and got my food, went back to the car, and found a $36 ticket on it.

Boo hoo. My reign as a parking bandit has come to an end!

Or has it...?

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