Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We just happen to be in Denver during the "DNC" as it's being called locally. I told my Mom I wanted to protest, and she said they had a special place for protesters. I told my friends in California, and they said, "Yeah, it's called JAIL!" Ha. They've actually cleared out a large warehouse to use as a large temporary jail. Expecting trouble, anyone?

This trip, we spent only a day in Denver before driving into the mountains for a few days. I had a lot of trouble with headaches from the altitude there. Usually I get used to it in Denver before I head to the mountains, so I had more migrains than usual. Luckily I have medicine that works.

So, back in Denver, I was talking to my sister, and she mentioned that she heard that 40,000 hookers were coming to town for the convention. There are 50,000 politicians, and there are groups of hookers that evidently follow conventions around.

I was telling them about my problems with the altitude, and then it occured to me - There are going to be a lot of hookers with headaches in Denver this month!


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