Thursday, October 12, 2006

Looking for glasses.

Yesterday, I wanted to do my homework, but couldn't find my glasses. I checked my purse 3 times, even taking everything out at one point. I looked in my car, I looked around the house. Where did they go?

Finally I found another pair under the bed, but it was hard to do my homework because whenever I tilted my head downward, the glasses slid down my nose and the page would go out of focus. I tried pushing the sides of the glasses inward, but they continued to move out so that they didn't stick to my head.

This morning I was getting ready to take the boy to school, and I looked in my purse for my phone. There were my glasses! Right there, standing up inside my purse! From this the Boy concluded that whenever I want to find my glasses, I should look for my phone. And if I want to find my phone, I should probably look for my glasses.

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