The Girl has a friend, Dee, whose parents have been split up about a year now. He lives right around the corner, renting, and the Wife stayed in the house a few blocks away, and they share care and custody of the 2 girls. They haven't gotten divorced, tho, and altho the Husband dated briefly once in the beginning, he's seemed to think that they might go to counseling and reconcile since then.
Anyway, because he lives around the corner, we see them when the girls play together a lot, or when we ask each other to pick up our children at school. We see him pretty often.
The day before yesterday, when I picked the Girl up at school, she said that her friend, Dee, was having a big problem. What, I asked. Well, her mom was dating someone and Dee was very upset. I asked why, and the Girl didn't say, but said, "I've got a few tricks and some water balloons up my sleeve!" Huh?
Later, she said she had to keep the phone by her, because her friend was going to call if she needed any help. She was glad her friend asked her, because she knew just what to do.
I asked, "Does it have anything to do with water balloons?"
and she answered, "Maaayyybeee...." Does she think she's living in a Disney movie?
The next day when I picked her up, she said her friend had found out all about the man her mom was dating, and he was no big deal. First, he has a glass eye. Second, he's been married twice. And third, he has 4 children. I asked which of those was the most troubling, and she said, "The glass eye! Dee said one eye would move and the other wouldn't!"
Later, Dee's dad stopped by to pick up something, and started telling me ALL about how he's finding out about this guy and text messaging him to find out who he is and to make sure he's not a sexual predator or anything. He was really kindof freaking out, and started reading me the text message arguement he started having with this guy.
I felt like telling him, "Listen, dude, I hear he's got a glass eye! It's no big deal!" But I didn't want to get into the middle. Next thing I know he'll start messaging the mom and asking her if her new boyfriend has a glass eye.
At least I'll feel better if no water balloons are involved.
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