Over Spring Break, we let the Boy go camping with a bunch of friends. Then, when they got home, some drama errupted that made it necessary for the Boy to go outside and talk with his girl - for about 2 hours! On his way out I told him to be quick, and he was out there for 2 hours. Where was he? We weren't sure. Somewhere outside. So we grounded him for the weekend, as we've talked with him before about disappearing like that.
It turns out a friend of his has started smoking. Dope. He knows The Boy's against it, so he hides it from him now. But his friend asked the Girlfriend when she dropped him off if SHE wanted to. So The Boy convinced her come over, and spent 2 hours convincing her not to go. It was worth it and absolutely necessary to him.
The next day she said she was glad she didn't go. Then, that night, she wanted to go again. She's curious, her previous boyfriend was really controlling, and now she wants to be more free. The Boy is upset because he feels his friend is hitting on her, and she's not respecting his feelings.
His solution was to ask us if she could come over, because that way he could keep her from going. I might have folded because he was so good all day, but K hung tough and told him he might get off restriction tomorrow, but not today. He said, "Let me just talk to Mom." like I'm a creampuff or something.Hah! I told him he couldn't try to split us like that. So, no, she couldn't come over.
So she went out with his friends. He started crying and said, "Look what you've done. You could have prevented it, but because of you, she's doing it."
I told him she didn't seem like a very good girlfriend to not care about his feelings. I told him not to blame me, she's the one who did it. Was he planning on keeping her busy every day/night for the rest of the school year? Why couldn't she just wait until college?
Later he came downstairs for a hug. That's how upset he was. He sqeezed in between us on the couch like he used to when he was a LOT smaller. I told him that it does no good to try to control other people, or to try to change them. He asked what he should do, and I said, "She's a Senior. She's only in school with you a few more months. Just enjoy your time with her."
He was so in need of a diversion, he sat down and watched Pirates of the Caribean (II) with me. I think I liked the first one better. I kept getting confused about what was going on in this second one.
Later the Boy told me that in his anger, he threw his cellphone at the wall. Now it's broken. I'm months away from my 1-year anniv for this phone, so I doubt we're eligible for any free phones.
Sigh. Did I mention expensive? Teenagers are expensive, too. I may have a teenager without a cellphone for the summer...
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