The View
I missed yesterday's fireworks between Rosie and Elizabeth. It's just as well, I was getting uncomfortable with them yelling at each other and not listening during the last week or so. Elizabeth is even worse now that she's pregnant. I think being pregnant can make women more self-righteous and she's more argumentative than ever.
I just don't like it when they don't LISTEN to each other, and no one can get a word in edgewise now, because Elizabeth keeps giving more than one example and repeating herself. That doesn't seem like a real debate if no one else can talk.
It was a mistake for Rosie to think E would stick up for her, as she never agreed with her in the first place. Elizabeth would rather claim that she didn't understand what Rosie was trying to say, which was: If we were Iraqis, who would WE feel were terrorists? The people who invaded their country - that's who.
It's not rocket science, tho I'm not sure the metaphor was correct. Since we've invaded their country, we're more likely seen as oppressors, not terrorists. Terrorists are people without power who want to make a big statement, and I think we're as much at risk with people like that originating within our country (i.e. Oklahoma bombing, school shootings, etc.) as from without. But it's almost certainly our policies that create such anger towards us.
I was glad to see that Rosie likes Amy Winehouse too.
American Idol
OK, I think 2 HOURS is too long to milk a show that's only going to reveal what you want to see in the last few minutes. And that's not even counting the Red Carpet event that they tacked on in front of it.
Paula Abdul's nose looked fine - not broken at all.
So I kept switching channels until the end - boy, Dustin is still fighting with people on Celebrity Fit Club. He was arguing with one of the judges that he didn't even need to lose weight - to the point where the judge tried to get up and kick his ass! Why is he on the show if he doesn't want to lose weight?
And what's this about a porn tape of Dustin? Never heard of it.
Jordan sounded wonderful last night, so I'm glad she won.
Do you think I watch too much TV?
Great shot of the pool. Is it a cat in the middle?
Yes, it is.
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