I could barely wake up yesterday, and felt low, negative energy all day.
I finally decided I had a headache, and took a couple pills. I still fell asleep in the car while waiting at soccer practice. I slept SO much. I'm sure it's PMS, which I hate.
It was so bad yesterday, that I avoided making any calls, because all that bad energy was making things go wrong and suddenly nothing seemed possible. I tried to think positive thoughts and get to a positive-feeling place, but it wasn't happening.
I hate it when I feel like that - like everything's just a little too hard and I can't do it anymore.
I'm so glad I'm feeling better today. It's amazing how you take for granted feeling good until you feel badly.
The Boy has been feeling under the weather too. He had his wisdom teeth pulled a week ago, and seemed to suffer a LOT more than I did. Then, he came down with a cold. So his jaw hurt, and he had a sore throat.
Then he went to the Prom over the weekend, and stayed up all night. So now his jaw hurts, he has a cold, and he's exhausted. Poor kid.
The Girl has been doing well. She said she was having trouble breathing after practices, so I took her to the Dr. They said she has "Exercise Induced Asthma" and gave her an inhaler. She's very excited about that.
She and a couple of friends decided to enter the school's Talent Show, and got together THE DAY BEFORE AUDITIONS with only an hour to develop their act!
Now I know where the phrase "get your act together" comes from. If you want to have an act, you have to get it together!
Amazingly, they came up with a dance and it was really cute! They got accepted into the show, so they must have performed it pretty well with only a little practicing.
Later that week she came up with another act for the Girl Scout talent show, which was very low key. We took our dog, and she did a cute dance and induced the dog with treats to dance along with her. It was very cute.
To help her out, I got the great idea of not feeding the dog that morning. The Boy came home from school hungry, and made 3 Toad-in-the-holes to eat. He took them downstairs to the coffee table, then came back upstairs for some hot sauce. When he returned, the dog had eaten one of his eggs!
He was SO mad at the dog because he was SO hungry, but I told him that the dog probably was too. It was my fault, because of my bright idea to not feed him.
Don't judge me. I learn a little something every day.