I've had an incredibly frustrating and emotional week. You can stop reading now, if you want to.
It's funny, while my sister was here, I was telling her, "Oh, I don't get that upset anymore." I said this about work, but in general I'm not as touchy as I used to be.
Then my sister R left . The good times were over. no more shopping and copius eating out. I felt like I'd had a friend with me all week, then she was gone! Then nothing seemed as fun.
Then it got really, really hot
-which makes the ants come out
-felt like I was back in Birkham Yoga, but all day
Then my boss let me down and everyone was trying to squeeze me for money - and we all know I've had lots of expenses lately. I felt like everyone had their hand in my pocket, and I got so mad and frustrated I cried. I hate someone telling me I'm wrong when I don't agree. I hate someone making me do something that I don't want to do, even when in the back of my mind I know they can't make me. Maybe I was PMS'ing too.
Then the water heater broke
-and we have to wait a week for the company to fix it that's under the warranty; Luckily we've been so hot we've been happy to take cold showers.
Then The Boy gave us the old tomato. Over Labor Day weekend, he'd wanted to spend ALL his time with his friends and girlfriend, and mostly we let him. But we gave him some money on Thursday for something he agreed to do for the money (work out, I think), but he managed to put it off until Sunday night. Sunday he came back from the beach, took a shower, took a nap, then wanted to go back out. We said no, you need to do what you promised, and he snapped. He ran off to stay at his girlfriend's house, where her parents evidently let him sleep.
He said he's tired of having chores and having to run things by us, so unless we agree to give him total freedom (apparently what his graduated girlfriend gets), he's done with us. He says all his friends get to "hang out" from the time they get up until it's time to go to bed.
We didn't realize that the neighborhood was so brat infested.
Now my heart hurts
K and I are starting new jobs tomorrow
we didn't need this
we didn't deserve this
The Girl didn't deserve this
His dog didn't deserve this
K had planned to go to work that night, but stayed home with me
I was afraid I'd have a panic attack
my emotions so strong
that feeling of emptiness in my chest
yet my heart is beating so fast
can't believe he's doing this to me, to his little sister, to his little dog
don't want him back if everything the same - giving him rides, etc. when he's so unappreciative
can't believe his girlfriend's parents are enabling him to leave home
they even bought him school supplies, he says
he says he's getting a job
that would be good for him
I'm really confused about what to do now
Option 1 -put pressure on him to return (but he's been SUCH a pain in the ass!)
Option 2 - wait until his girlfriend goes to college and her family gets tired of his being there without her
Everything now seems to remind me of when he was a boy, and he loved and valued us, and that hurts. but it seems normal that he has to break away at some point, and so he's turned against us.
But now I remember all the love and attention I gave to him so willingly, and I wonder why. why did I do all that?
It's just so hard sometimes, that I think I can't do it anymore.
I have to go thru all his old stuff now - he'd started changing rooms before he left
I get to pack up all his youthful collections and remember when he was a nice boy.
But I guess I don't have to do it right now.
Sure, Brad Pitt thinks the kids are cute NOW. Wait until he's got 5 teenagers to deal with.
1 comment:
I know! I know I know I know. I'm sorry it's so painful, especially since he's seemingly so ungrateful. (hug)
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