I got a new job.
Sort of by accident. I saw a job on Craigslist for a computer teacher at a Montessori school in a really nice nearby neighborhood, so I sent in an application. I went in for a second interview, still thinking about it, and next thing I knew the guy was handing me a "new employee packet"! I kindof got it whether I liked it or not. So now I have 2 jobs again.
Of course, I'd rather just have one job. But my main job only brings in money by commission, so I can work a million hours and not get paid. It's feast or famine, and the famine was getting too strong this time. So I'm hoping this little job will help even out the highs and lows of my main job. Plus I have lots of free time, even when I'm "busy" with my main job, so I had some desire to feel more productive.
It's only for Monday and Tuesday, but I only hope I can stick it out. Those are two busy days, let me tell you! After Labor Day there was just the Tuesday, and I came home with my feet hurting. Some of the preschoolers kept trying to run out of the room, and the middle schoolers went online and promptly got viruses on at least 3 computers.
So you can see, I've got my work cut out for me! I was a little traumatized. Plus the kids were using programs that MY kids used to use, and for no good reason it made me melancholy for the days when they were both much younger. I feel things are changing a lot this year, and it's making me miss days gone by when things were more simple.
Tuesday was the first day of school for my kids, too, and we started the week without The Boy. We knew where he was, we just weren't sure how to approach this. Sure, we could have called the police, but we'd had enough drama as it was.
That's another thing I resent. I grew up with WAY too much drama, so I've tried to make our family life more stable. But now I've got drama whether I like it or not. Not fair, I tell you!
So Tuesday afternoon, K called The Boy's girlfriend's father. He told this father exactly what had happened, and the father kindof chuckled. I'm sure it was a different story from what he'd been told by The Boy. He said he'd already had a long talk with The Boy about not wanting to get in between him and his parents, and K said, "Well, you are!" K pointed out that he didn't think the father would appreciate it if he told one of his girls to do something, and they came to our house instead.
So later that afternoon, The Boy called to negotiate his return. It was really silly, because most of the things he wanted he was going to get anyway, as the summer was over and now he's a Senior. He gets more freedom during the week than he had before, but in return he's getting a job to become more responsible and fend for himself.
That's really what we've been trying to accomplish with him anyway. So if he can do it himself, so much the better.
We had already given his cell phone and dog to his sister (he never wanted to take care of the dog anyway), and we're no longer giving him any rides or money. But I'm sure he's come out of this feeling like it's a victory, and that kindof sucks. I'm not too happy with his friend or his girlfriend anymore either, so now they're scared to come around and that's fine with me. I've had it with them.
You can't drive the getaway car and still expect your boyfriend's parents to be happy with you. I also pointed out to him that he can't expect to do this again next time he has a problem with us, as he probably just lost a lot of credibility with his girlfriend's father. I bet he won't be so quick to take him in again. And most parents won't be willing to take a teen in just because he doesn't want to do chores or doesn't like the rules.
He just blew his wad, and now it's gone. What I can't believe is that this girlfriend's parents let her boyfriend come over, spend ALL his time there, and even sleep there - evidently with her! So how do WE come out looking like the bad parents here?
Well, anyway, he's back and he's happier, but we're still angry with him. Especially me, I think. Hopefully someday soon things will even out again. Meanwhile he hasn't been able to find a job yet, and we haven't given him money in over a week.
I also told him that I didn't think it was fair to us to not even TRY to get an athletic scholarship. You may remember that earlier in the year, he refused to get onto a travel team, which is how you get seen by scouts. So it's been a bone of contention ever since. So I told him that his education is now up to him - he can take out loans or try to get a scholarship, but I'd like to remove us from the equation. I want him to try for himself.
At least The Girl still likes us. I'm just hoping to make it through the year,
this is awful. what a horrible girlfriend the boy has. she is BAD NEWS. and how negligent and inconsiderate of her parents to just accept that! i hope he's not avoiding the scholarships because he wants to hang around to stay close to her.
if it makes you feel any better, i am confident that in time he'll regret his behavior and start respecting you guys again. it's difficult to grasp perspective of how good you've had it when most of your friends are given anything they want.
Thanks for your good thoughts. She is actually a smart, basically good girl. She's just indulged by her parents. They can't seem to tell her no.
She's going to college, so he's not doing because of her. I think he got the idea that it's too hard and he's not good enough, so he can't see himself trying. I just want him believe in himself and to try.
We'll see what happens.
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