My Sister "R" came for a visit last week. Another soccer team had asked The Girl to play with them in Santa Barbara that weekend, and I forgot it was the same weekend that R was coming! But K took The Girl up on Sat while I went to get my sister at LAX.
I took R to Venice Beach where we got something to eat, and I bought a few Christmas presents. I try to buy them when I see them all year, and that makes the holiday crunch a little easier.
When K and the Girl got back from Santa Barbara, K was telling us how well The Girl played, and how the ref was being really hard on her team. The Girl said, "Yeah, I even heard him tell one girl, 'Don't make me give you an old tomato.'"
After we finished laughing, we informed her that the ref was probably referring to an "ultimatum", which in the end is probably just as bad as an old tomato. But all week we kept saying, "Don't make me give you the old tomato!"
The next day we ALL went to Santa Barbara to see the Girl play. The Boy and his girlfriend went too, which was nice even tho they mostly spoke only to each other. The Girl was put into a midfield position, and scored the team's only 2 goals of the weekend!
This of course made me wish she could be on THAT team instead. They're too far away from us - otherwise you know I'd be considering it. I get frustrated that The Girl never gets to play forward on her own team, frustrated that it's only because the other girls aren't good enough. That doesn't seem fair to my daughter, that every new player tries out in the forward positions.
Anyway, we took her out to eat at Chili's as a treat for her. I noticed that the Boy's Girlfriend ordered a dish with shrimp. Me, I was raised to never order anything very expensive when someone else was paying. Was it consideration, or guilt? I guess kids these days aren't taught that, but then I also know that her parents take The Boy out sometimes too. Anyway, she and the Boy cuddled the whole way home. Later I heard that they had a fight when we got back, because the Girlfriend said the Boy doesn't pay enough attention to her.
What? Is 98% of all his time not enough?
I don't get it.
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