Also, I have yet to fall into a reasonably productive routine. I've been playing tennis fairly consistently, which is important, but takes up nearly my whole morning 2-3 days a week. The rest of the mornings it's hard for me to get started.
So everyday I ask myself, what's most important today? What things can I do better than anyone else? So I run errands and lately have started some things that needed doing. But most of all, I find myself putting more thought into our meals. Last Sunday I asked The Boy to help w/breakfast, so I (with The Girl's help) made pancakes and he made the rest of it, and it was a really nice family Sunday experience. We cooked together, then ate together.
In my Girl's 4th Grade class Open House, she showed me her essay on the wall of essays titled "My Mom". It was so cute. I guess she really enjoys playing tennis with me (hard core tennis, she called it), and she talked about how good my cooking is. She talked about my recipe for scrambled eggs "Mom's Special Eggs" and how she knows what the secret ingredient is. So she thinks cooking is kindof fun to do together, too.
Other than questionable productivity, another thing that's hard to schedule in is creative time. Even reading seems like too much of a luxury - I feel guilty because I should be accomplishing something. I guess I'm too sleepy for guilt in the morning. It takes awhile for the fog to clear.
Last night K wanted to watch sports, and as he scanned the channels he noticed a hockey game was on. He tuned in, and said, "The Ducks are going to win the Stanley Cup!" They were leading Ottawa 5-2. I watched them play for awhile, amazed that anyone ever scores with the Goalie wearing such big gear and blocking the small goal and everything. Then the Ducks scored again! It was awesome, and I don't even follow hockey. It happened so quickly, the Goalie didn't even see it coming. The Anaheim Ducks were one really happy team.
I don't understand what the big mystery about Phil Spector is. Why so long to bring him to trial or convict him? One look at his hair is all you need to know that he's crazy. Even Ronnie Spector said that he used to hold her hostage in the house with a gun. He told his driver that night that he thought he killed somebody! It's pretty obvious that he did it.
I was so sad to hear about the missing girl from KS being found dead yesterday. Something about the pictures of her exuded beauty and light. Someone tried to jump into the Pope's little car yesterday too. What vibes are in the air? Why do goodness and light sometimes attract evil? It makes me sad. I wish we had more control over what we attract.
I need to attract some money.
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