Monday I took The Girl for a TV show audition she was interested in. To her credit, she didn't want to miss any school for it, so we went after school. I'd never been to one before, so I thought it would be better to go early, but going later turned out well, as it was not crowded at all. We filled out some forms, and were sent to "holding area," walking through a room that was crisscrossed with bands to hold a long, long line. Whew! Glad we missed that!
Before we heard about the audition, we were preparing to send in a tape. The online instructions were to send a tape with just talking - no singing, art, acts of any kind. The instructions for the live audition? Wear a costume! Bring the whole family! Have the whole family dress up in costume! Show and tell or recite something. WTF?
What is the purpose of dressing in costume to audition for a show that doesn't use costumes? Personally I think they wanted us to look as foolish as possible, so they can do a show about the crazy people who showed up to audition. But I'm cynical. Maybe they're really casting a completely different show and didn't want anyone to know.
So The Girl dressed up as an artist (hat, paintbrush) and showed some of her artwork and awards. She was speaking softly at first and kept bending down, but when they started asking her questions, she perked up and spoke more audibly and enthusiastically. I thought she gave some great answers.
It was her first audition, after all. If you don't count trying out for her school's talent show. She was REALLY nervous about that first talent show. So it was an adventure for us, and kind of fun. It was fun to listen to the kids in our group and their answers to different questions. One girl said when she grows up she wants to be a Director, Producer, Mary-Kay Salesperson, or a Talk-Show host. Another was practically a professional, and said she does community theater.
My Girl said it best: "How are they ever going to pick just 25 out of ALL THOSE KIDS?"
I was most happy about getting my parking validated, because paying for parking at that location would have made it a pretty expensive day! Yay for asking questions! Sometimes you have to ask more than once.
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