First, we woke up and went to church with him, as he always likes to go and give thanks. Then we came home and made breakfast. I made bacon and The Girl made French Toast for everyone.
Then I did the dishes.
The Boy had to run out and work on yet another project for school, and was gone all afternoon. The Girl wanted to watch the end of "Night at the Museum", so I watched it again with her. She got so excited at some of the parts - let's just say I rarely hear her scream like that. When it was over, she said, "That was great! We should GET this movie!"
We hung out and read for awhile, then K and The Girl wanted to go to the park to break in her new soccer cleats. So I went with them and read on the grass with the dog. It's not often we go to the park anymore, so it was a fun change.
We came home and I started a pot of Gumbo for dinner. I diced and saute'd and got everything to the point where it could cook for awhile on the stove. Then I went outside and we all swam for awhile. It was cool in the water, which felt great after getting tired and sweaty from cooking in the kitchen!
Then I came inside and took a shower, and asked The Boy (home now from doing his project) to start some water to boil on the stove for rice. When I got out of the shower, I added the rice to the water and the meat to the Gumbo.
When the rice was done and the meat heated through, it was time to eat. This Gumbo recipe completely fills my largest pot, and the family ate 2/3 of it last night! K and I ate the rest of it today.
Yummy, that file' gumbo is good stuff. I'll post the recipe soon.
After dinner we watched the other dvd I'd rented, "Ghost Rider", until it was 10pm and time for Entourage.
Another guilty indulgence.
We watched the end of "Ghost Rider" later - K thought it was funny, and he loves motorcycles, so it was all good.
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