Although we had a pretty nice summer, looking back, it's been difficult too. Not just for us, but for a lot of people we know. I wrote an entry listing all the people we love who died or were diagnosed with cancer this summer, but I decided that it would just depress and scare everyone.
The tough thing is that it keeps getting closer and closer. Last week we found out K's brother in law (the nicest guy in the world besides K) was found to have colon cancer, and he has to wait 3 weeks to see a specialist who can determine if it's spread. Who can wait that long?
Then today we hear K's youngest sister found a lump in her throat. Luckily, we both know people who have successfully "beat" this type of cancer, but still it's scary.
These problems make ours with The Boy pale in comparison, and puts it into perspective. Our lives are not threatened, just changing. Thank God!
We're all just lucky to be alive, that's what I think.
Better news is that I'm doing a little better in my new job. I've learned to lock the door behind the preschoolers so they can't escape, and I've told the older kids that we're not using the internet unless it's a site I've specified is OK. They can play on their parent's computers at home.
On Tuesday I picked up a group of young ones in their classroom, and one little boy came up to me and hugged my leg. I thought that was pretty cute. Then I took them to the computer room, and told them to sit on the floor and not touch anything yet. That same little boy climbed onto a chair and went to push a button, asking, "What does this do?" I said, "Don't touch that!" and another little kid in the room said, "That's Daniel. He's bad!"
I really hate labels like that, thinking they can seep into a child's self esteem and become a self-fulfilling prophecy. So I said, "He's not bad, he's just curious." and the little boy said, "We're ALL beautiful!"
What? From a little boy? I thought that was just SO cute.
So just remember that, if you're ever feeling hard on yourself, we're ALL beautiful.