Well, I guess it's been coming. The Boy, who we've faithfully driven all over Southern California (for YEARS!) in the interests of helping him become good at basketball, has now decided that he's "done" with basketball. Now that he's a Junior and it's time to try to tell college coaches about him and have them see him at Tournaments, he's decided he doesn't like it enough. He can't tell me why, altho I've asked many times.
Personally I don't think he wants to work hard, or even THINK about working hard. He's a teenager and a bit lazy by nature (which I can understand.) But it's not me that has to DO the work, and I can't want if for him. If he chooses now to NOT take advantage of how good he's become, I just don't feel I can make him.
I think he'll probably regret it, but I have to start letting him make his own choices. So maybe basketball isn't for him.
But I told him it can't just be about quitting something. He has to replace that goal with something else. So he says he'll try to get a scholarship in Track (high-jump.) He loves track because it's laid back and his friends are in it. But he's not as good at it as he was at basketball, so I've told him he has to train at least twice as hard now to get his jumping at least 4 inches higher than where he is today.
So I'm trying to make it clear that he's not going to get out of this without working hard - at something. And it's not going to mean more time with his friends, not if I can help it.
Yesterday was my birthday, and I had a very nice day. K took me to PF Changs for dinner (if you eat at the bar, it's easier to get in) which was delicious. Mongolian beef, lettuce wraps, and Singapore Street noodles. Yum! Then after church yesterday we went to brunch at my favorite local restaurant. I had a greek salad and 1/2 brie and roasted garlic pizza. Double yum!
I got some nice flowers from my work - well, one of my works. It's nice that some employers have so much class, eh?
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