Well, the girls played their hardest, and that's about all you can ask out of a bunch of little girls. Our shots were just not falling as they had usually done all season, and one of the best players on our team got really frustrated with herself. I think all the parents on our team were happy, as all the girls played a lot in that game, and had some good chances.
The other team was playing great, and scored some crazy shots from way outside. There's not much you can do about shots like that. We really wanted to win and we deserved to win, we just didn't play our best game last night. The green team had only lost twice during the season, and both times was to us. Both times were close.
They went out of their way to be good sports though, so it seems like they'd either thought about their behavior or had a good talk with all the parents.
There were some game high points, like a girl scoring who hadn't scored in a long time, or the 3 blocks another girl had. We had a nice ceremony afterward, when the Boy said something nice about each girl on the team, and handed them a trophy.
Then two parents brought snacks, so the girls got extra snacks. Then we had everyone come over our house and have a swim in the heated pool, so they ended up having fun, which took some of the sting out of the loss. The Boy even joined them in the pool, which is amazing because we've had the pool a year and this was his third time to get into it!
I think the parents were happy to come away with second place, as they didn't have any expectations at the beginning of the season. Some of them even gave the Boy a parting gift, and gave the family a gift certificate to have a good meal at a local restaurant we like.
Even though it was tramatic at the end of this season, I think it had some unexpectedly good consequences. I think it showed the Girl how much her brother loves her, as he defended her from the negativity of Saturday's game. Maybe it showed him how much he loves her, too. I think it brought the whole team closer together, and helped us to win Tuesday's game.
I genuinely like all the girls on the team and their parents, so it's a little sad that we won't be seeing them regularly anymore.
Meanwhile, what happened to Duke? I had them picked to go quite a long way!!!
Sheesh. Think how THEY must feel!
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