When did they start putting tv's into gas pumps? Too bad it only runs commercials.
I've been feeling like commenting on certain current events in pop culture, so please bear with me. I watch a lot of TV:
High School Musical
This movie is a breath of fresh air to all those who believe Disney exists
primarily by making inferior sequels to already-popular movies (like my
son.) The movie is cute, has some catchy songs, and a good overall
theme of stepping outside people's expectations of you. I also like it
that there's a bit of a love story, but it's so innocent.
It's also a best-selling DVD now, which is odd because it's also free on TV where disney plays it probably once a week. I like the pop-up version best.
Housewives of Orange County
They've been replaying the last season as a prelude to the upcoming new season.
That's good because I missed a lot of that show last year, and watching
this show is pretty fun. I have to admire thecommittment of these women to being glamourous. It's not like their jobs depend on their looks, like actresses, but everyone there seems to have fake boobs and inject botox (except Jo, because she's still so young.)
There's a teen on the show, Shane, who is SO cute! But he says he's still a
virgin and not interested in being a sexual person right now. Huh? What
a concept. But when asked what he likes in a girl, he said he likes a
big butt. Whoa! Hold on here! I think I've got something he just might
be interested in!
In a later episode they show him going to Mexico to "get wasted". He was dancing and kissing a girl, then they just went home. His friend told Shane he'd left a frustrated girl behind. And Shane asks, in all innocence, "What did she expect?"
I can't wait for new season
I love New York
This show promises to be loads of fun. This young woman, nicknamed "New York" by Flavor Flav in his show, "The Flavor of Love", proved to be such a nut that
he brought her back in his second show. Now she stars in a show of her
own, so that she can find true love at last with the help of the one
person who is a bigger nut than she is - her mother!
Anyone who saw either of the Flav shows knows just what I'm talking about. I'm expecting lots of drama and diva action here.
Fergie -
I was really looking forward to hearing her sing, because she's pretty
and you could tell that she's a good singer even from what little you
can hear her in the Black Eyed Peas. But I was surprised at the song
"London Bridge". Not only was it rap, which doesn't show off her voice,
but it seemed to be a stream ofconciousness rapping. Like she'd pick
any old word that would rhyme, never mind trying to make sense or
actually say something in a song. "I wish I didn't wear these shoes"?
What kind of lyric is that?
I thought maybe she had other good songs on her CD, but when I looked up her cd in iTunes, it was full of bad reviews. I just can't tell if her music is trying to push the envelope and be different, or is just bad.
Is this man not a mill or billionaire? Is he not powerful? Why then is he
so insecure? Honestly, it was the same with Martha Stewart. He doesn't
seem to care what anyone says about his hair, but criticize his show or
say he declared bankruptcy, and look out!
IMHO, he showed a real lack of class, lashing out so immaturely. I mean, calling her
names and criticizing her looks? He acts like an insecure bully. Then
he gets mad at Barbara W for not backing up what he said she said, and
calls her a liar. Was he not betraying a supposed trust or confidence?
What kind of person does that make him? Desperate.
Alpha Dog
This movie is based on true events that happened in this area. The story is
so sad that I can't believe they'd make a movie about it, and in ANY
wayglamourize what this punk was up to. It promises to be a sad and stupid movie, just like the real guys who lived it. I like Justin Timberlake, but I won't be seeing this movie.
Courtney Cox is beautiful now! She was cute before - now she's downright
gorgeous! This is a dark and edgy show I guess, right now it seems
cynical. We'll see what happens with the story lines...
Beckham is coming!
More tabloid excitement to come. Also, maybe people will pay more attention to the Galaxy now.
Yahoo Food News
I clicked on this
story the other day, and thought the recipes seemed a little
fancy for football fans, but I thought some of the comments were pretty
funny. There were hundreds! A couple were useful recipes. Here's a
The recipes:
CRAB DIP ON RUSSET POTATO CHIPS | makes 8 to 10 servings.
CRUNCHY SAUSAGE BITES - made with spicy sausage (such as bratwurst?) and mango chutney
The comments:
What big game is this for? The figure skating match? I don't think I'll be
serving any toasted almonds and crab dip when I have straight guys over
to watch the NFL playoffs.
These recipes stink. Whoever wrote this article should have hot molasses baked beans thrown in their face.
I want minutes of my life back.
you must be kidding!!!! My husband would divorce me if i served crap like
this at all let alone for a football game. How about some real football
oz. blue cheese or ranch dressing 1 or 2 thighs or breasts of cooked
chicken- cut up into small bits 8 oz. cream cheese 2 cups of shredded
cheese Preheat oven to 350 - Mix it up, throw it in a casserole dish
-bake for 20 minutes. Serve with any tortilla or corn chip - the Scoops
byFritos is the best though :) seriously, you will be a HUGE hit with all the football heads! They'll devour!
To make a real dip, put a layer (about 1/4-1/2 inch) cream cheese on the bottom of a dish, followed by a can of refried beans, a can or hormel,
and then top it off with shredded cheese. Put that in the oven until
it's hot all the way through. Now we're talking about good football
food. Use tortilla chips to dip with.
That's all for now folks!
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