K's parents have come out for a few weeks to visit, and we've seen some good games since they've been here. I think the first few games the Boy's HS team lost, but last Friday they finally won! They were ahead most of the second half, and the Boy got to play a fair amount. He was even put back in for the end of the game, in case the other team tried to foul. It turns out he's a designated free-throw shooter!
On Thursday we went to see a Clippers game, and that was fun. The Clippers had a good, solid lead, but in the second half the Jersey Nets caught up! In fact, by the final minutes, the Nets were ahead! With only seconds left, the Clippers were 2 points behind. The only way they could win was with a last-second three-point shot - and that's exactly what they did! It was so exciting that I could barely watch, but in the end everyone was slapping hands with people they'd never met before. It was lots of fun.
Friday the Boy's high school team got a much-needed win. He got to play a good amount and showed lots of spunk when he was in. Once he blocked a shot and flew into the padding at the back of the hoop, only to have the guy whose shot he blocked land on top of him.
Then yesterday the Girl's soccer team had 2 scrimmage games, and won both of them! That has never happened before, that they won 2 games in one day, or all their games in the same day. The Girl even got put on offense for a change, and even got to score! She probably could have scored even more, but instead she made some good passes that weren't converted. The scrimmage was practice for the State Cup games, which will take place next weekend.
After that we came home, and the Girl had a basketball game that evening. The Boy coached the team, and they pulled out a win by one point. We had led the whole game, but in the second half the other team caught up with and even passed us BWO free throws and a few shots. In the end we shot free throws ourselves, and a girl who hadn't scored the whole game pulled through with both free throws, and we won the game by one point! Whew!
Update: I missed the game today, but the Girl's team won again today! Today they came from behind (4-10) and one girl scored 8 or 10 points who has not scored much in any other games. I know this streak can't last forever, but it sure is fun while it's here...
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