Today I was excused from

Jury Duty.
Yay! I was willing to try, but the Prosecutor was right to cut me loose, as I had a low
probability of finding for his seemingly preferred punishment.
It was interesting because it was in Lance Ito's courtroom, and he's a familiar face. It was kind of fun getting asked questions by him. I like seeing people from all over and being downtown.
It was bad because it was a murder case, a 5-week trial, and we'd be hearing bad things and seeing bad pictures the whole time. The defendant even looked pretty scary, and kept looking over at us and writing something in his tablet.
I like my drive

to jury duty, and I always go the same way. I take the 2 Freeway south to where it runs out, by my old house in
Silverlake. It turns into Glendale Ave, which I take south and to Echo Park and the huge Foursquare church built by Aimee Simple
McPhereson. I think that was her name. I find her interesting.
I drive by Echo Park and see the big water fountain and the big birds in the water (swans? ducks?) I go left at Temple, and it takes me right downtown. I turn right at Grand and go right past the Music Center and the Disney
Somethinghouse, where
jurer parking is currently located.
If you walk do

wnhill from there, there is a walkway between the court buildings, where you can buy a Starbucks before court. These don't seem to be a problem at Security, which you have to pass downstairs. Then there are only 4 elevators that go upstairs, of which only 2 are usually working. Today there were 3, but there were SO many people, and I was SO hot. And I was wearing as sleeveless a shirt as you can get!
Anyway, I will miss my pals,
Juror #189 and 198, but maybe we will meet again some day.
Later, I went

home and v
How's that for doing my Civic duty?
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