For a long time I've been meaning to post about our cute little pets and their stories with us, but I still haven't gotten around to it.
Meanwhile, upon returning from our trip, we found that one of our two cats, Peanut, is missing. I did some pet detecting, and Peanut was last seen next door at 6am on 7/7. Peanut was our cat, but he was appreciated in several homes on this street.
Something happened that morning, because the cat two houses down became very upset and fearful and demanded to be let into the house. Its owner said it kept looking up and around, as if afraid something was coming to get him. So it seems that something happened that morning that Peanut did not survive. What with all the large birds and animals that come down from the mountains, it's a tough neighborhood for small animals.
We got home 2 days later. I feel sad that it happened while we were gone, but truthfully, our being here would probably not have made any difference. And it happened in the daytime, apparently.
Peanut was a cute cat. We got him at the pound when he was a little older than a kitten, but still pretty young. We got him to be a companion to Cosmos, a large black cat that we took in, but was in the process separated from another cat that had been a long-time companion. So we thought that Cosmos was lonely for a companion, and adopted Peanut.
Well, Cosmos could not have been more pissed off! He was completely offended that we'd brought in another animal, especially one as lively and playful as Peanut. Cosmos would come in and eat, but he refused to stay in the house and would NOT let us touch him in any way. This lasted for about 2 years.
Then we had to keep Cosmos inside for 10 days when he got injured, and after that he seemed to feel that we loved him again. After that he would come in the house and even stay all night. Sometimes he meows at us to pet him, which we sometimes do, even though Cosmos is HUGE and we are all scared of the size of his claws. Plus cats are liable to turn around and bite you without warning when you are petting them.
Well, like I said, Peanut was cute, but on the small side. He was playful and liked to tease other animals (including Cosmos and sometimes us) by bopping them on top of the head. He was very smart, and could open a screen door with his paw. Cosmos watched him do this many times, but never has had the idea to try it himself.
Peanut was also a great mouser, and often brought us gifts from nature.
Peanut was very affectionate too, until we brought home the dog, Gallo. Then Peanut got pissed off with us, and hardly ever came home or gave us affection anymore. The people next door really loved him, and I tried not to be jealous, as Peanut loved being a free cat and I think they gave him fish. If I didn't let him go out, he'd pester me and meow right in my face until I let him out.
In the last few months I'd tried to keep him in the house longer, and he got a little more affectionate with us. He got so he'd sleep inside for longer and longer periods of time.
I really miss him, and I wish I'd had more time with him.
I guess that's always the way.
1 comment:
I'm sorry about Peanut.......he sounds like a special kitty :-((
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