This week I shipped out our Christmas packages, and had to go for a second mammogram, and then a biopsy. Crap! It wasn't pleasant, and I hope I never have to do that again. Mostly I hope I won't have to go through this every year, as this is the second time I've had to go back for a second mammogram. I'd be more worried, but this is about the third time Kaiser has called me back because of suspect lab or xray results. The first time was the worst, as I was pregnant with The Boy and they told me I had to "come back and see if you have cancer."
So Kaiser is very careful, and that's a good thing. But meantime, I'm not really worrying about it. I'm firmly in denial and plan to stay here unless something forces me to leave.
I did have one meltdown, one Friday ago. As room rep for The Girl's 6th grade class, I'm in charge of the holiday party. For over a week I'd been trying to get a copy of an "approved" letter to send the parents. That day I'd FINALLY found the web site, but there were no letters in the place they'd told me it was! I had to go to class/interview, and it was exactly one week before the party! How was I going to get the #@#$#@ letter to the parents in time to collect enough money to cover the party???? Argh!!!!!
Luckily my dear hubby helped me out. I sat down and wrote my own #@$@ letter and gave it to him to go to the school, make copies, and give it to the teacher to give the students. Luckily, the strict office lady was in a good mood and helped him with it, and my letter passed muster. I think the most important thing was that the letter clearly stated that donations were voluntary.
So yesterday we had the party in question. Hubby helped me schlep stuff to the classroom, and that was really helpful too. I collected just enough money to buy all the toppings the Girl specified, plus a nice gift card for the teacher. ($50!) We served ice cream with an assortment of toppings, and the kids really liked it. Then the teacher turned them loose to PE to help use up all their sugar-rush energy.
Last night the girl scout troop the Girl is in helped make a Christmas party for some girls at a foster home. It seems their regular sponsor dropped out due to cutbacks or something, so the girl scouts stepped in to help out. It went really nicely.
Now I can relax for awhile, altho I still have some classes to complete for my seasonal tax job. I can take them online though, so it's not so bad. Plus I have a few presents to wrap. I don't have a lot to give this year, but I tried to give generously of whatever I do have.
Hopefully I'll get some good news before Christmas. I could sure use it.
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