Monday, October 27, 2008

Oodles of noodles

The other day I bought a few groceries in a store I don't usually go to, and I found some packaged noodles near the Top Ramen section. I thought the chow mein in peanut sauce sounded good, and it was on sale for about $.99, so I bought it. oodles

At home, I added water and microwaved as directed, mixed and stirred. When I sat down to eat it, it was good! It seemed like a lot of noodles, but it was so good I ate the whole thing! I wasn't really full when I was done, but it was so good! I told K, "Too bad it has no nutritional value, that's the only thing wrong with it!"

I started thinking of going back to the store and getting 10 more of those. Such a deal! In spite of no nutritional (and possibly some bad nutritional) value.

Then something made me go find the wrapping. I looked at the calorie section, and was surprised to find that I'd actually eaten 2 servings! Worse, each "serving" was 270 calories! I'd just eaten 540 calories, and I was still hungry!

Then I was mad, because for fewer calories I could have eaten a Snickers bar. And I'd probably be more full because of the peanuts!

So anyway... I've been looking at that section more often when shopping, and a few times I've been shocked. Wow.


In an update to a previous complaint - I'd been surprised to find that a company was forcing through subscriptions to a few of our Verizon phones. A few weeks ago I got a notice that I am now part of a class-action suit (all Verizon customers are, I think) against a certain company for this very offense.

I'm glad that someone took that on, because that just isn't right.

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