Last night (or this morning) I had an interesting dream. I was probably on vacation, staying at a hotel (a place with rooms). I was having a discussion or possibly date with one guy, but he said he had to do something else that night.
Then I must have been at the beach with my friends because I had on a swimming suit, and they wanted to go to a bar. I wrapped a towel around my top, and that seemed to be fine, because it never came up again.
Next I was in the bar with my friends, and in the dream there were a couple of other guys who liked me, but they weren't there. Then I saw the guy who was supposed to be busy that night. I backed up around the corner where he couldn't see me, and just waited there with my drink talking to my friend. After awhile everyone moved out of that area, and he came walking by.
I said, "Why, what are you doing here?", smiling really nice, like I hadn't just busted him in a lie. He sat down by me and I sat down too, and then he said that there were about 40 people in this group. What group, I asked. The group therapy that he had to take over that night for someone else, which is why he was busy that night. He said it was a group for people with a fear of crocodiles.
Then someone walked by and said "bye, Joe B." and I asked, "Joe B,?"
He said, "Joey!" Like I was busted for not even knowing his name.
Then he said, "I'm still in the running, right?"
And I said, "For America's Next Top Model?"
Well, at least most of it made pretty good sense.
Atho, really.
Can there be THAT many people with a fear of crocodiles?
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