Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Boy Trouble

I gotta boy,
got boy trouble

I'm officially mad at all the men in my life right now.

First, my dad asked if I'd sent an email I discussed with him. I value his idea, I really do. I meant to send it, I just ran out of time. If you don't believe me, I could make a list of OTHER things I forgot to do too! But he gave me a hard time, saying he knew I wouldn't send it, I don't have the guts. OK, whatever. If anything, when it comes to confronting people, I've got more guts than sense. He said nothing will ever change if I don't send it, despite the fact I'd just told him that the Boy got into the last game and played a lot. A lot! Maybe more than half the game!

It just got me because he was trying to be mean and cranky, and he hadn't done that with me in a long, long time. Maybe 20 years. I blew it off, but it better not turn into a regular thing with him...

Then an old friend asked K to come visit him in Santa Monica. As I mentioned before, K works nearly every day now, so I was looking forward to having a Sunday together. I asked if our friend couldn't come here, after all, K has been driving around SO MUCH! K went to play basketball, and the Girl and I went to JoAnne's Fabrics. Later, at home, K called and said he'd tried to reach me after the game on my cell. When I didn't answer, he assumed we were still shopping, and went ahead and drove to Santa Monica.

That was SO like him, to fabricate a misunderstanding so that he could do whatever he wanted. I feel like I'm understanding about his being gone all the time for his job. I was even understanding about his playing basketball. But I drew the line at Santa Monica, and he didn't care. He did what he wanted.

It's strange how I can go from being so happy with him for so long. Then he does something like this, and I can't believe how my emotions turn it all around. Every time he doesn't put my feelings first, it's like the first time all over again except it's worse from the memories of all the other times he put his friends first.

He came home in the evening "to spend time with me." But by then I was seriously pissed, and wanted nothing to do with him.

Then all afternoon the Boy had been upstairs with with his friend and girlfriend. The dishwasher was on, so I couldn't hear them that well. Later I went upstairs and everyone was gone! He didn't even say goodbye to me! Nobody did!

So now I'm mad at him too.


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