My life seems so busy sometimes, I don't know how I keep up with it!
Here we go...
work week-----------
My tax job has kicked in again, and I really like my boss there, but it doesn't pay much. I've told her I need to find a "real" job, and I think she was offended, but I don't think she's really hearing me. Another thing I don't like about the company is that they're always trying to get us to do their marketing for them. If I signed up to be a marketer, I'll be a marketer. This job, I signed on for another reason. Besides, if I'm going to market, I'll do it for my sales job! I already have one of those!
On Wed my boss said we needed to go out and hand out flyers. I told her I wasn't comfortable with that, and she said "OK, we'll do it tomorrow." So I called in sick on Thursday. Blech.
My sales job is laid back with my boss gone - too much so! I think I'll have two sales coming up this year, but that's not enough anymore. I want vacations! I want more shopping trips! I want to keep this job, but I need a supplement right now.
The whole situation with the receptionist in the sales office was somehow reversed. I think it's because the phone company that set it up reset the number to ring in our office. Despite the fact that the whole point of getting this new system was so that the phones would ring in another office entirely. I don't know why they're not insisting that the phone company get it right. Another senseless waste of money. I liked the old phone system much better.
I feel guilty about my teaching job, as I may have to quit soon. Before the Christmas break, one of the kids came up to me and said, "Come back, ok?". I think they're somewhat used to teachers disappearing, but what else can I do? It would be nice to find another (good paying) job that's part time so that I could do both.
I can dream, can't I?
Home Life---------------
The Girl has been busy with sports and girl scouts and activities with her friends. Last night I was thinking about all the shows and people I know about only because I have kids of a certain age. I thought about this last night as the Girl and I watched a "Bring it On" marathon. I think they're up to 4 movies now! I think Beyonce's sister is in the 3rd one.
Speaking of TV sisters, almost immediately after Jamie Lynn Spears announced she was pregnant, the show she was on announced that Zoie (Jamie Lynn's character) was leaving for London! And now there's another special when she comes back. Seems like they've been preparing for this for a few months.
The Boy had two games last week. He's getting to play an increasing amount of time, partly I think in response to an oh-so-diplomatic email I sent the coach a few weeks ago. But the coach has gone back and forth on this, sometimes playing a boy, then not playing him for 2-3 games. If a kid makes a mistake - forget it. It's very hard on the parents, some of us who are not used to seeing their child NOT play. Will we be happy? Will we be sad? We never know. Now I feel guilty for sending the email because now other boys are not getting to play (at all), and I feel badly for their parents. Because I know how it feels. And I feel partly responsible, having put in a good word for MY boy.
But the Boy has been playing, and playing well, and the team is winning more than their losing, so that's all good. I just want the Boy to have a good Senior year, at this point. He's happy with his girlfriend, with his job, with his video projects. We don't see him much, but I guess that's normal.
The Girl had a basketball game last night, and her team won 28-8. The Girl scored 10 points, outscoring the other team by herself! She and her team were VERY happy. I felt sorry for the other team after awhile. It reminded me of when the Boy was her age, and I was writing the same thing about him in my journals.
A few months ago, K accepted the role as basketball coach for the camp he works at. He works at a camp for juvenile delinquents, the only one that has sports in this county. Think 'Gridiron Gang". (They got the Rock to play K!) We knew it would be hard work, but it's even harder than we thought. He's gone almost all the time now and I miss his help and companionship. But I know it's only for a month or so more. I think the hardest thing for him, even harder than all the time or all the driving or the lack of support that he's experienced, is that they almost never win.
I think it's hard for most men to ever say that it's OK to not win. (Forget about the L word!) But I told him that he has to FIND a way to make it OK for the kids, because the reality of their team is that players are constantly changing (getting released, getting in trouble) and that makes it even harder to come together as a team. It has to be an esteem-building experience for the kids in this program. If he can find a way to make it OK for the kids, it will be OK for him as well.
Family week ----------------
I got a call from my sister E on Tuesday saying that she and my Mom had gone up to my duplex to meet the lady from the City, who's doing an inspection. We've been working to get a City-subsidized tenant into the unit, and things had been going smoothly. But when my sister got there, the inspector was on her way out, upset that a smoke detector didn't work and she couldn't check the stove because the countertop installer was there. Great!
The next day, my Mom called to ask, "What color was the countertop supposed to be? I thought you told me it would be white, but it was brown and I signed off on it!" Gosh, it didn't even occur to me that the countertop people might make a mistake like that, so I didn't make sure my sister knew to check for that! My Mom felt so bad about that and the failed inspection, but it really wasn't her fault.
I got it worked out with the countertop people, but just now my Dad called to say that I should also get them to move the cabinet closer to the stove, too, as it's too far away. What? Take it easy, everybody.
I have enough to do.