I forgot to mention:
1 - I got a new camera! Yay! I was torn between the cute 6 mgpxl blue Nikon and paying more for the 7 mgpxl, but someone told me I didn't really need more than 6, and hey, I got it for a VERY good price! ($119 + tax) Blue, my favorite color! Yay!
If there's anything I love more than getting something I want, it's getting it for a very good price.
3 - Then the washing machine quit working. It stopped pumping the water out. Very important, that emptying the water. This is about the 7th major appliance (I'm including the cameras and car) that have gone out on us this year. Why?
4- - Last week when I picked up the class with the cute little boy, he told me, "I like your hair!" and then he exclaimed, "You're beautiful!" Isn't that the sweetest? I reminded him, "We're ALL beautiful!" I guess I've still got it, even if it's only with age-inappropriate males.
5 - I found out that my boss from my "main" job is now sending out questionnaires to our clients after the deal has closed, to evaluate how we did. Very long and detailed questionnaires that even our clients protest about filling out. Our job is hard enough as it is, and he supports us little enough as it is. It's also hard to come out of a transaction having your client feeling completely happy with everything that transpired. Mostly, it's a pet peeve of mine to have a boss that checks up on me. Especially behind my back. It makes me feel like less of a professional. The coworker that told me this knew her client as a friend - so it was embarrassing!
In every job I've ever had, things deteriorate. Things that the company gave me when I started gradually diminish through cut-backs, over-management, or whatever. Bosses change, and are hardly ever better than the previous one. And honestly, I try anew with every one, to not prejudge them and have an open mind to their being a great boss.
I've complained about this boss before. One thing, two things, that's not so bad - but they're starting to really ad up now! So gradually I've been feeling that I should investigate changing companies. If I do, it will be around February.
6 - Day before yesterday The Boy asked to stay home from school, as he had a bad cold. So I let him. That night he asked if I could wake him up at 6am so he could go to basketball practice at 6:30! This early practice is for the JV team, and his going early was his attempt to make up for missing practice for being sick!
This has NEVER happened before - his initiative to a)get up EARLY, and b)try to make his coach happy or improve his game or whatever. Now that we've pulled out of trying to make him do things, it seems he's finally stepping up and showing his old enthusiasm for the game. I hope it continues!
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