Yesterday I tried to take The Girl to soccer practice, as usual on Tuesdays. When I got off the highway onto the canyon road I usually take, I came upon 2 big firetrucks blocking the lane, with cars lined up on both sides of the fire trucks. There was a guy standing in front waving his arms in front of his head, but I didn't know what that meant. Come and help, or go back? I copied the guy ahead of me and turned around to go back.
So I got back onto the highway to go the OTHER way, and before I'd gone far, the road started feeling really funny. I was thinking, "Wha...?", but when it didn't stop, I knew I had to pull to the side. I leaned across the car, opened the passenger door and looked at the tires. Sure enough, the rear tire was toast. I was on a fairly roomy shoulder of the highway, but didn't want to risk driving on the rims to the nearest exit.
Just what I needed, right? Another 3-digit expense, just pile that on top of all the others. Have I ever mentioned that just about everything on my car is seriously expensive?
So anyway, no soccer practice I guess. Someone REALLY didn't want us to go! I called AAA, but they had trouble finding me (possibly because I gave bad directions, but we won't talk about that). Finally a guy showed up from the MTA, whose job it is to drive around and look for people in trouble I guess! For free! I always wondered who we were supposed to call from the highway phones - someone at home I'd guessed.
Anyway, this man was an angel and changed my tire and then we came home.
I bought Harry Potter for the full price, not realizing it was $20 at Ralphs! I guess I'm helping support the independent bookstore with my extra $15. I'll admit I peeked at the end, so now I feel comfortable in letting the story unfold. Even so, it's hard to get anything else done, when you're reading Harry Potter. I keep having to ask The Boy questions about the last book, because I've already forgotten.
-----------------My cousin C
Last week my cousin called and said they were going to be going to a soccer tournament in San Diego the NEXT DAY, then spending a week in Palm Springs, so maybe we could get together?
We were also in a tournament that weekend, south of LA, and thought about driving the extra distance to SD to see them, as we really wanted to see their daughter play. But I had work to do back home, and didn't even go on Sunday. So I called and bribed them to drive HERE, to see us, with promises of Chinatown and Venice Beach.
My cousin C is a few years younger than me, which is no big deal now, but when we were kids I didn't know her or her sister very well. Her father was my Mom's only brother, and he had lots of problems, culminating in his death about 10 years ago. She started making a family before I did, tho, so her oldest girl is 2 years older than The Boy. She has another girl the same age as The Boy, a boy who's about 12, and a boy the same age as My Girl. They're about a month apart.
So they drove out on Thursday, and we swam in the pool and caught up until dinner time, when we drove to Chinatown for dinner.She brought her whole family, plus one of the girl's boyfriend, so there were 7 altogether. I thanked them profusely for driving all that way to see us and giving up their comfy beds at the timeshare in Palm Springs.
We had a little trouble finding our favorite restraunt there (Plum Tree Inn) because it had moved, but we got a little tour of Chinatown in the process. We had a most delicious dinner, where we all stuffed ourselves a little too much.
That night we slept all over the house.
The next day they wanted to go to the beach to swim, so I took them to Zuma, as Venice and Santa Monica are cool, but NOT a good place to swim. They spent the whole day out there, having fun in the water and waves. We saw a dolphin swim by, and a seal or sea lion kept poking his head out of the water offshore.
Then they wanted to go to Venice, but that was too far during going-home traffic. So we drove down the 1 to Santa Monica, and we all got something to eat. We shopped at the 3rd Street Promonade, which is an outdoor mall like Pearl Street in Boulder or 16th Street in Denver.
It was fun, but we kept getting separated. There were just so many of them! I bought something from Old Navy, and later when I was tired, I sat down and looked at the receipt. Damn! They charged me for 1 item twice! So I hiked the two blocks back there and stood in line. The lady in line ahead of me already had a bag, and when she got to the register, I heard her tell the cashier that she'd gotten charged twice for something. Coincidence? I wonder. When I told my cashier the same thing, she didn't even look in the bag. She looked at the receipt and made the adjustment and gave me some money back.
There was a long line forming outside the bookstore, as Harry Potter was going on sale at midnight. Guess they wanted to find out first!
It was around 8:30 when I finally left. I thought we were ALL leaving, but at the last minute they all went to get coffee for the drive back to Palm Springs.
I had some good talks with my cousin,and heard the terrible problems they've had with teams and coaches for their daughter. I also discovered some things I hadn't realized. I didn't know they were so poor when we were young, and that the box of presents my mother sent them every year were a real treat and so important to them. In fact, my mother was a real bright spot in their lives. For every bad story I had about my Crazy Aunt, she had a good story about my mother.
I wonder how two sisters grew up so differently. My mother is so kind and generous, where my aunt is fearful, spiteful, and stingy.
After they left I called my Mom, and told her how important she was to them. She had never realized it either. I guess it just goes to show you, sometimes nice things you do are appreciated, even tho you might not think so at the time.
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