The other night the wind kept blowing, which always disturbs me, even in my sleep. So I had a disturbing dream, where I was waiting for K to go with me to the Prince concert. He'd wandered off somewhere, and it was getting late. I needed to go to the Prince concert! It was pretty upsetting.
I was so troubled by this dream, that I woke up annoyed with K. Why didn't he make it back in time to go with me to the concert?
K protested the logic of my being annoyed with him because of a dream, but feelings like this are not easily reasoned away.
So I remained kindof cranky until I remembered another part of the dream. Because I was worried that if I went without him to the concert, I wouldn't be able to find him, K did something to make it easy for me to find him. He wore a dress!
And not just any dress, a dress that would stand out! It was the dress he wore in college when he dressed up for Halloween as Little Bo Peep! (his roommates had gone as sheep). It was funny because he's such a big guy. So you know it was a dress with a big skirt. He had on a bonnet, and may have even had his staff with him in the dream.
When I told K about this part of the dream, that made me feel better, he was not amused. I'd bring up the dress and start chuckling, and he'd say, "Yeah, uh huh." Every time.
And this made me laugh even more.
He's a funny guy.
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