This morning, I woke up and tried to focus on my day. I tried to figure out what I should do first. I took the kids to school and sat down to watch Regis & Kelly. Then I heard the phone ring, and when I heard the machine pick up and it was my long-time friend JJ, I ran upstairs to get the phone.
It was true, she said. One of her three-year old twins was diagnosed with cancer. And not just one kind of cancer. It was so many places, they were trying to figure out what kind the other cancer was. One kind seems to be genetic, the other, they don't know yet. They've been at Children's Hospital in Hollywood over a week now, and she rarely ever goes home now. She just stays there with her sick boy.
Suddenly my day was focused. I finished a few things around the house, then I went over to the hospital. It's a large facility, but I found my way inside fairly easily. Everyone there was SO nice, and they've got it light and bright to look as cheery as possible. The parking lot was SO full, and it was amazing to think that there are so many sick children.
I found my way up to JJ, and she looked beautiful as always. She has a natural beauty, but she takes care of herself too. She looks like Jennifer Anniston, and it's hard to believe she has 7 children. She was dressed in white, and is as positive and caring as a mother could possibly be. She's hoping, because that's all she can do.
I took a spiderman toy for her son, but he pretty much slept the entire time.
She's really an inspirational person. She's the most positive person I know. She's trying to balance being realistic with being hopeful and without ruining whatever time is left. Now.
She said they have rooms for the parents to sleep there, and bathrooms with showers for them. They have toys and movies for the kids, and even bring dogs around to visit them.
I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I guess I want people to know what a good place
Children's Hospital is, and that they're doing really good things.
I came home and picked up the Girl, and later took her to soccer practice. On the way home, I heard a big sigh in the back seat. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that too many animals are becoming extinct. She claims that the Grizzly Bear is extinct, but I questioned if that was true. "It's true!" she claimed, "And also the Bald Eagle!"
She asked if I could write her a note to get out of Science class, because it was upsetting her. I told her no, but that maybe we could find some small way that she could help.
Later, when we were watching "American Idol", she sighed again. I asked what was wrong, and she said, "Not enough people are using solar power!"
I told her that it's much better than it was when I was a child, and probably more people will use it in the future. I care about these things too, I just have to get her to stop worrying and enjoy the present.
Because, after all, it's all we really have.