Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hot Mama

It's so hard sometimes to be a parent. We let the Boy have his way all weekend. He got off early on Thursday and had Friday off, and played around those days. He had practice yesterday, so K ttook over coaching the Boy's (also the Girl's) basketball team practice that day. We let his friends come over, made food for them, generally made it possible for him to have a good time.

But anytime we said anything to him or reminded him of something he needed to do, he gave us a dirty look and said "whatever" or worse, argued with us in front of his friends. Then came the time for him to go to a basketball clinic that he'd AGREED to go to on Sunday afternoon, and we had to endure all the negative energy that pours from him whenever he's not doing exactly what he wants.

He never said he'd be happy to go,and so we expected some complaining, but he was actually trying to get out of it! I told him he'd only be staying home and doing his chores if he didn't go, and he said, "Is that an option?" No, not really, it wasn't.

His father is driving him all the way out there and waiting around for 2 hours. He's paying money for this clinic, all in the hopes of getting his son on a Travel team this summer. This is probably is best option to try and get a college scholarship. I tried to tell him this was a great team for him to be on, since they don't even practice in the summer, but he shut the car door while I was still talking, and turned his stoney face forward.

He better watch it, or this mother is going to turn into one angry mother, and no one wants to see that.


This is later, and I guess his father survived the trip out there, but it wasn't easy. It was a long drive and I'm sure the Boy had lots of complaining to do, so I advised K to just try not to listen to him, because if he fed in to the Boy's arguements, it would only lead to more arguing.

K said the Boy hit him with everything he had all the way out there, but as they neared their destination the Boy went for the kill. The first dagger in his father's side was, "Right now I'm starting to hate basketball!" Argh!...

The second blow came as, "I hope I don't even make the team! I'm going to try to do badly so that they don't even pick me!" Argh!

Then the final blow. "And I'm NOT coming next week, either!" His father was not quite down, so he rallied with, "You gave your word that you would." The Boy responded with, "I'll tell you my word! My word is that I'm not coming next week!"

So as K dropped the Boy off, some words must have come to him from God. Because as he got out of the car, he told the Boy, "Do it for yourself, Boy."

And I guess he did, because K came back later and said the Boy was guarding the biggest kid there, and doing a great job of it, too! I think my kids don't really know how NOT to play their best in any game situation, it's in their blood.

Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are getting grey hair. Oh, and btw, that was the last clinc of the Fall, so the Boy got out of going next week after all.

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