Sunday, March 05, 2006

I went with my daughter's class on a fieldtrip today.

It was to a local mexican fast-food restaurant, which is nearby, so I didn't really understand why I had to be there at 9:30. This is probably the least anyone ever communicated with me about a volunteer event, but there was a small note on J's homework (See you at 9:30!) that made me believe what J had told me.

It seemed kindof funny to just drive down the street and around the block, but it really wasn't far. It was really rainy this morning too, but it let up on us at some critical times, like getting into the car. I wore a crocheted cap since there was no point in fixing my hair for the rain. I love hats and have quite a few (too many!), but seldom wear them. I guess I feel like you attract a little extra attention with a hat.

It was a really good field trip, though. The owner was super-duper nice, and together with the District Manager, they took lots of time (1 1/2 hours) with the kids. They taught them about sanitation and hand washing, then they all made guacamole and tortillas.

With tortillas he gave them each a ball of dough (I got one too) which we rolled around in our hands, then set them down to rise. Then we went into the refrigerator and saw the dough cutting machine and the big grill for the tortillas. Then we walked through the kitchen and past the meat grilling and an industrial-strength blender.

Then we got our balls, flattened them in the tortilla-flattening machine, and threw them on the grill. The owner was funny and kept making us adults do it ourselves, so it was funny trying to turn over my tortilla on a big, rotating surface!

After both groups had done both activities, we got to eat! The kids got to choose either nachos or a burrito, and we adults got to order whatever we liked! So I got a steak burrito, which is still the only thing I've ever had there.

Later I was sitting with some other mothers when a lady walked up wearing a crocheted like mine, but with a thicker, chenille-like yarnc. She was walking up to us with a camera when whe realized she knew Gina (one of the moms), who was her neighbor across the street. It turned out this lady, who was also named Gina, says she's writing a book about "Places I've left my Hat" and she wanted to take a picture of me, since she saw me with my hat on.

Which was kindof funny, since I've been taking a lot of pictures myself for the 30-day Photo challenge. So we took pictures toghether, and she said her book might be vignets about people and their hats. Another mom said she was jealous because I was going to be in a book now.

The original Gina swore that she had a really great losing-my-hat story, but we didn't get to hear it.

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