The other day I was going out with my realtor friend Bren, who is married to a lawyer and is more conservative than I am. I drove to her house, and called to tell her I was there. I waited outside her house for her to come out.
Meanwhile, the lady across the street pulled into her driveway, and she and a little girl got out of the car. The lady kept looking at me seeming interested in me for some reason. She was smiling and seemed nice, so I smiled and said hi. She had a dog on a release type leash, where you can let it out or reel it in.
Bren came out and said hi and introduced me to her neighbor. We chatted for a minute, then we walked to Bren"s car so she could drive. We pulled out of the cul du sac and Bren started telling me that the only thing she didn't like about this lady was that she let her dog...
She looked in her rear-view mirror and saw this lady crossing the street to Bren's house. Bren said, "Wait, this will just take a minute." and she pulled a U=turn (screech!) at the main street and drove back into the cul du sac. I never saw her do anything like THAT before!
The other lady had walked across the street to let her dog go into Bren's yard! I think she saw us coming because she started reeling her dog back in. Bren pulled up beside her and opened my window. I started searching for makeup in my purse and really wished I wasn't there.
Bren told her nicely, "Listen, could you please not let your dog go on our lawn? My husband won't even let OUR dog go on the lawn because he says it turns the grass yellow." She said it nicely, but she repeated it about 3 times, trying to make sure it sounded nice.
The other lady immediately picked up the dog and said yes, of course she understood and she wouldn't do it anymore. But she had to listen to Bren say it a few more times.
You see, this lady doesn't let the dog go to the bathroom on her OWN lawn, she takes it to the neighbors lawns. It's not that she takes the dog for a walk, she takes it to other people's yards!
Bren keeps asking me why someone would do that, does she think she's better than everyone else? (they live in an upscale neighborhood) I say not to worry about it - I think she's just selfish. Or inconsiderate?
But it was a little aggressive that right after talking to Bren, this lady takes her dog to HER lawn and lets it go to the bathroom there. Or maybe she thinks people won't mind?Maybe she thought Bren seemed friendly and wouldn't mind.
But now she takes her dog to other neighbors lawns.
What do you think?