The other day I was in a bad mood. First, I woke up at 4am because of a 4.4 earthquake, and then had trouble getting back to sleep. I kept waiting for an aftershock or a bigger quake.
When I finally got back to sleep my dreams were tiring. Often I dream I'm on vacation, which is nice. But sometimes I dream that I'm packing, and those dreams can make me wake up feeling drained. I kept dreaming about things I'd forgotten to pack, so I kept going back for things and sometimes not finding them.
When I was on my way and it was too late to turn back, I realized (in my dream) that I'd forgotten my migraine medication, and was duly worried about that. That was my first clue that I was getting a headache (in real life).
So I awoke headachy and tired, but I took a pill and tried to rally. When it got to be around lunchtime, K started telling me that Dan was coming over, as though I might want to be gone when he got here.
About the whole home-sale situation, K just told Dan not to talk to me about it, and that pretty much told him how I felt about that. Since then I've seen them at one of K's games, but I was perfectly nice. His wife looked scared that I was mad at them, but I was nice as always.
As I said, we almost lost him last year. So because of that, I can't very well get too angry with him. If he says we shouldn't work together, I'll just trust that he might have a good reason (his wife).
But I did have to go to the store to get some food for lunch, and when I finally went out, Dan was sitting in his car talking on his cell phone.
So I went ahead and got in the car and suddenly he said out his window, "Is that how it is now? I come over and you leave?"
I told him I needed to get some food for lunch, and before I knew it he was out of his car and sticking his head through my van window! So I hugged him and asked, "What's this all about?"
And he said, "I just need a hug."
I asked K about it later and Dan didn't tell him anything that was bothering him or that he needed a hug. And K doesn't usually like me even talking to men friends, let alone hugging them. But he didn't say anything about it.
I thought it was weird, but then I was in a bad mood.