I certainly do like the Ups. K's team won last night, and now are going to the Semi Finals! He is SO, so happy.
Last week I had mixed news. First, I got an estimate for the roof damage on our rental, and it was $7,+++! I was so bummed out. Then I found out the Insurance was going to pay for most of it, and I was SO relieved!
Then I found out the company I work for filed my tax return before it was ready, without my permission. The only person who should have filed it is me, and it wasn't ready yet! I suspect management, because files on "hold" count against them somehow, and I think a specific District Manager saw it was basically finished and just filed it. I think this because she has shown that she doesn't care about us workers, plus someone else discovered that this DM removed her password from her return.
I'm so mad I'm thinking of suing them.
But then I passed my Super Duper test, and I was VERY relieved about that. I wanted to finish before my birthday, so I could just enjoy it. I don't know if I felt more relieved about passing the test (I'd had lots of distractions) or finding out the duplex roof was going to be paid for.
The new client that called me a few weeks ago has so far turned out to be my favorite clients ever! They had a realistic idea about the price, they were ready to sell, and they totally trust me. They said, "What ever you say, we trust you." Wha? Well, that's just great!
And so far my plan has worked and they accepted an offer over the asking priced. Yay!
Then, one of our best friends (Dan - the one who almost died in the river) told us he's selling AND buying a new house, but he doesn't believe in mixing friends and business.
Wha? Why do I have such crumby friends? Does he think he'll KEEP his friendships by refusing to work with them? If his wife started a business and we went to her competitor, that would be the right thing to do?
His next door neighbor, when I met her at a party, turned out to be in Real Estate and taxes, just like me. We talked about real estate and I said I'd made some friends and lost some friends because of it, and she said, "If someone knows you are in the business and that you work on commission? If they don't use you, they're not your friend."
And I think that philosophy has some merit. I would do this for my friends, but if I find they feel differently, I figure that they're not really friends - maybe aquaintances. But how am I going to cut Dan out of the picture? He almost died last year, for heaven's sake. But I can tell you that his next-door neighbor is pissed off at him right now.
But if he's going to move closer to us and do questionable things like this to us (which mostly I blame on his wife - it's not the first weird thing), I doubt we'll be seeing much more of them than we do already.
K was trying to make it better, saying "Remember unconditional love?" And I sadly said, "But it turns out I'm no good at that! I tried with The Boy! Remember?" And we laughed.
I'm still trying.
Since then, K's team has won yet again! They're going to their league final playoff game!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
What evacuation?
I've been asking the Boy since last September to go to the Financial Aid office to find out something I don't know, and was having trouble finding out. During the Holidays my husband asked him again, but he just couldn't seem to do it. Finally I asked him, "What is it that you don't understand? Do you not understand what we're trying to find out?"
He said, "No, I don't know where the Financial Aid office is."
I felt like laughing, because I know he got a map of the school on the day he moved in, but I told him, "Ask somebody! Someone there must know where it is!" (It's in the Student Center).
A few days later I texted him, and he said that he'd found the Financial Aid office, but they said he needed to make an appointment to find out the answer to my question. So I texted him back, "Could you please make an appt as soon as possible?" and he said "okie dokie." Honestly.
So today he called me with the answer, and I told him i was proud of him for taking care of such a grown-up thing. He says he's trying. He actually admitted when he was here on vacation that he wants all the perks of getting older, but none of the responsibilty.
The girl is a different story. She's always had an enthusiastic personality, but now she's 12 going on 13. I blame part of it on the Twilight series and how funny the main character is because she's so uncoordinated, but now tripping and bumping into things is SO funny. I don't remember the Boy ever going through this, but she's become boisterous! When she talks to her friends there's a lot of loud talking and laughing these days.
Her basketball team is on a 4-game winning streak.
K's team won two more games, and are now officially in the playoffs. This has been his dream since he started coaching 2 years ago, but this year they've pulled it off. He never knows from week to week what kids he'll have (getting in trouble, going home, etc.) so it's always been challenging. But now he's so happy he's been giddy.
I've been studying to take a super duper tax test next week. It's funny, but the more I learn the specifics of the rules, the more I find there are grey areas. Is it rent or is it not? Is he a dependent or not?
Anyway, we've had some wild rains up here, but our luck has been good. Let's hope it's a big wave (of luck, not water) and that we can ride it for awhile.
Friday, February 05, 2010
Good day
First I was working, and my appointment was an old tax client from my previous office. The company had closed that other office, and I don't know how many clients will drive the extra distance to see me this year.
Anyway, I was really glad to see her. When I first met this client she seemed really cranky. Fortunately, that doesn't really bother me anymore. The next year, I realized that she had kindof a fun crankiness, and it really wasn't very cranky at all! This year she positively LIKED me and even gave me a hug when she left.
That made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Then, while I was helping her, I missed a call on my cell phone (or rather, didn't take the call because I was with a client.) Later, I checked my messages and found that a potential new client called me for my OTHER business. Yay! That almost never happens.
Oh happy day.
Then, when K got home, he told us that his basketball team (of juvenile delinquents) had beaten the best team in their league! Every year he has high hopes for this team (which is different every year), but this is the first time they've actually done fairly well. And winning against the best team is unprecedented. He was positively giddy.
I wish every day could be like that.
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