There was a mixup with the Marriott reservations, but we ended up liking our location by Avenue of the Arts. Nice suite, big bed, two TV's. We ate at Macaroni Grill, where K shared a Penne Rustica with me. It was just the right amount of food for me. I think K got soup too.
The first game on Sat we played a team that supposedly consisted of half of J's stolen team - we barely won with The Girl's left hook shot into top corner of goal! won 1-0.At 10:15 we played a black-uniformed team, they scored first (from midfield!) and I was scared. But then we were able to score 3 times. We went to the hotel again to hang out, check out. Then to Mac Grill again for lunch. (Love that place! Good lunch special.)
Sunday's game was at 10 - we played a Gold level team, and lost 1-3. After their first score it took a long time, but finally we scored! But then they scored 2wice more, so we lost. We took some good shots on goal, tho, so the game was actually closer than the score reflects. The coach on the other team got a yellow card!
The Boy went with us for a nice change, so we went out to lunch again at the Mac Grill, where we found we still had a gift card from Christmas for $25! Yay! We took the dog that day too, and he LOVES to go "bye bye" with us. He was able to sit with us outside at the restaurant.
Monday - The Girl went to yoga class with me. She liked it. We're trying to make it a routine now - Yoga on Mondays, Pho on Wednesdays. Finished reading "Easter Island." I thought it was very, very good.
Tuesday - sore from yoga! Swam with The Girl. The Boy went to CSULB for overnight orientation. Stayed up too late. Said it was a lot like day camp.
Found out a friend who had been very sick died Monday.
Wed - The Girl invited to museum. Forgot I was supposed to work. Pho for dinner instead of lunch.
Thurs -Met my friend R for lunch at New Moon Cafe. That evening went with The Girl to orientation for her first week-long sleepover summer camp. I'm jealous! Sounds like so much fun.
Fri - Found out our mechanic Ken died last week - he's fixed our car for years & K says he's the reason we can afford to help The Boy with school. It's shocking to think how one little mistake can cost a person their whole life! Seems like if you're not truly appreciating your life (i.e. drinking too much), it's easy to lose it. We really miss him already. It was just a few weeks ago he was smiling at me, helping me with the car.
The Boy stayed up to see Dark Knight at IMAX at 3am! Went an hour early and thought there'd be no one there. Instead there was a long line! He loved it so much he went to see it again on a regular screen the next day.
Sat - work. Forgot phone.
Sun - went thru stuff from garage.
Mon - Service for our friend who died. We had to stay outside because chapel was too full - there were easily 200 people outside, standing in shade. So many people whose lives she touched. Playing songs she loved, the service took a pretty long time. But it was celebrating her happy life, so they played some songs she loved. The minister mainly talked to her twin girls who are The Girl's age (11). About how their Mom is in a better place and now they have to go forward.
The day was a lot like her - sunny, warm, with a soft and gentle breeze.
No yoga today.
Tues - Soccer practice, the Girl twisted her ankle! She's in tears at the mere IDEA that she might have to wear a cast in camp, or possibly not go at all. As of now, she can't put any weight on it.
Let's all hope she gets MUCH better by Saturday.