Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last Week

Weekend before last we attended a soccer tourney in Irvine - spent Friday nite as the game on Sat was a record 7am! Yikes! K wasn't sure about spending the money, but it was really nice. Like a very little vacation.

There was a mixup with the Marriott reservations, but we ended up liking our location by Avenue of the Arts. Nice suite, big bed, two TV's. We ate at Macaroni Grill, where K shared a Penne Rustica with me. It was just the right amount of food for me. I think K got soup too.

The first game on Sat we played a team that supposedly consisted of half of J's stolen team - we barely won with The Girl's left hook shot into top corner of goal! won 1-0.At 10:15 we played a black-uniformed team, they scored first (from midfield!) and I was scared. But then we were able to score 3 times. We went to the hotel again to hang out, check out. Then to Mac Grill again for lunch. (Love that place! Good lunch special.)

Sunday's game was at 10 - we played a Gold level team, and lost 1-3. After their first score it took a long time, but finally we scored! But then they scored 2wice more, so we lost. We took some good shots on goal, tho, so the game was actually closer than the score reflects. The coach on the other team got a yellow card!

The Boy went with us for a nice change, so we went out to lunch again at the Mac Grill, where we found we still had a gift card from Christmas for $25! Yay! We took the dog that day too, and he LOVES to go "bye bye" with us. He was able to sit with us outside at the restaurant.

Monday - The Girl went to yoga class with me. She liked it. We're trying to make it a routine now - Yoga on Mondays, Pho on Wednesdays. Finished reading "Easter Island." I thought it was very, very good.

Tuesday - sore from yoga! Swam with The Girl. The Boy went to CSULB for overnight orientation. Stayed up too late. Said it was a lot like day camp.

Found out a friend who had been very sick died Monday.

Wed - The Girl invited to museum. Forgot I was supposed to work. Pho for dinner instead of lunch.

Thurs -Met my friend R for lunch at New Moon Cafe. That evening went with The Girl to orientation for her first week-long sleepover summer camp. I'm jealous! Sounds like so much fun.

Fri - Found out our mechanic Ken died last week - he's fixed our car for years & K says he's the reason we can afford to help The Boy with school. It's shocking to think how one little mistake can cost a person their whole life! Seems like if you're not truly appreciating your life (i.e. drinking too much), it's easy to lose it. We really miss him already. It was just a few weeks ago he was smiling at me, helping me with the car.

The Boy stayed up to see Dark Knight at IMAX at 3am! Went an hour early and thought there'd be no one there. Instead there was a long line! He loved it so much he went to see it again on a regular screen the next day.

Sat - work. Forgot phone.

Sun - went thru stuff from garage.

Mon - Service for our friend who died. We had to stay outside because chapel was too full - there were easily 200 people outside, standing in shade. So many people whose lives she touched. Playing songs she loved, the service took a pretty long time. But it was celebrating her happy life, so they played some songs she loved. The minister mainly talked to her twin girls who are The Girl's age (11). About how their Mom is in a better place and now they have to go forward.

The day was a lot like her - sunny, warm, with a soft and gentle breeze.

No yoga today.

Tues - Soccer practice, the Girl twisted her ankle! She's in tears at the mere IDEA that she might have to wear a cast in camp, or possibly not go at all. As of now, she can't put any weight on it.

Let's all hope she gets MUCH better by Saturday.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


about Chase Bank have inspired me to relate a financial glitch of my own.

I seem to keep having problems with my Verizon cell phone bill. I try to pick a plan that will fit our needs, only to find we're 500 text messages over our limit (damn kids!) or have used too many minutes. At one point I thought I might have to declare bankruptcy over my cell phone bill! JK, but still.

So I finally got a plan that seems manageable, but every nearly every month the bill is more than I think it should be. I then have to delve into the cryptic details of my phone bill. I've had to call to find out what a mysterious "data" charge of $9.99 is 3 or 4 times now, it's been a cell phone subscription to some "service" that none of us ever knowingly signed up for! Like a horoscope or weather report, but we don't actually receive any service. And every time I have to dispute this charge and send a STOP message to a certain number.

So I'm alerting anybody who reads this blog, that apparently there is a way for these services to force through a subscription to a phone number, and get that "service" onto your phone bill!


Then, the other day I noticed that our Charter bill was too high. It suddenly jumped $60 higher, and I called to see if we had exhausted our previous contract with them. I got someone who sounded like she was in India, and she kept asking me security questions and repeating everything I said. This drove me crazy!

In the end, I found out that our contract did indeed run out, and the price for our current services jumped $60. I asked her if there were any new contract specials that would be more affordable. She came back and said all she could find was that if we upgraded our internet service, we could have it for the same price of $60 higher.

I said no, we didn't need better internet service, what we need is a lower bill! She advised me to try again later in the month, when more promotions might be available. I told her I was disappointed, and would have to check with AT&T now.

So I got onto the computer, and checked out AT&T's specials. The only problem is that they only offer DirectTV, and K doesn't trust satellites. The only other option in our area seemed to be Charter.

Then I checked out Charter's web site, and found that they had plenty of packages that were more affordable than our current $60-inflated rate. So K called Charter back, and asked if we could get that rate instead. The agent said she had to check and see if we were eligible, and luckily she found that we were.

She checked on some specials, and it seems that if we were to upgrade to DVR, our rate would go down to the previous affordable rate! Also, we were able to add a set of channels we were supposed to have LAST time, for $10 more a month.

So somehow we ended up much better off than before, for only $10 more a month! I finally get DIY and BBC back! Now I can watch crafting shows and Footballers Wives again!

The Girl keeps saying, "I haven't seen this show in a year!" Plus now we can record things to watch later, just like 80% of the rest of the country.

Yay for the internet, and perseverance.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Garden stories

from our yard. These stories are somewhat amusing and sometimes scary, but are ultimately not very exciting. I've just been having issues with Mother Nature lately. Read at your own risk.

Red Poppies
When we chose this house to buy, I agreed with the stipulation that K clear ivy from the little hillside in back of our house. So it's been cleared off, but grass and weeds still grow there, until we rip that out too. So for the past few years, I've thrown poppy seeds out onto the hillside, and cover them up with some pretty bark mulch. And we usually get some nice orange flowers until the weather turns too hot and burns everything up.

This year, I found some seed packets from last year, and one had Red Poppy seeds in it. So even 'tho they were old seeds, I was hoping to jazz things up a bit with some spicy red color. I was soon disappointed, tho, because days and then weeks later, I was getting NOTHING!! No little sprouts, nada. Sigh.

Then, a few weeks ago, I was surprised to see a delicate red poppy amongst the orange flowers and grass. A red poppy!!! So pretty and delicate, very different from the orange poppies. I looked closer, and noticed that this red poppy's leaves were completely different from the orange poppy's leaves. In fact the leaves on the red poppy looked a lot like dandelion leaves!

I think everyone who works in their yard knows what must immediately be done when one spots a few dandelion leaves - yank them up! So who knows how many pretty little poppies I accidentally pulled up? Poor little babies.

On the flip side of this, I'm now letting everything that looks like a dandelion grow. I don't know what else to do, but if I see any signs of dandelion flowers, that sucker's coming out!

Meanwhile, new poppies have sprung up, that are very yellow! Where did those come from?

Mysterious Tomato Eater
The other day, I was looking at my few tomato plants, wondering why they weren't as big and prolific as the plants in my neighbor's garden next door. As I looked at the biggest plant, I noticed that the top branches were stripped of all their leaves! It was completely eaten, leaving just the stumps of the vine. What the heck was happening here?

The next day I looked at it again, and noted that the plant next to it looked fine. I theorized that perhaps the trellis I'd winded the bigger plant into was some sort of access to the plant for some small tomato-plant-eating animal. So I moved to pull the plant out of the trellis.... and stopped, inches away from the plant.

Because. there. was. a. HUGE!!!! caterpillar. sitting. on. the. vine. Green. Just like the vine. Hard to notice, except it was about 2 inches thick!!! OK, maybe just an inch, but still. It was at least 3 inches long. That's a very big caterpillar!

He'd seen me coming, too, and pulled up his head and sort of tucked his chin, holding on for dear life to that vine. I called for K, who luckily is brave in all things insect related. He pulled it off my plant (he said that sucker was really holding on) and tossed it into the compost pile where hopefully it will lead a long caterpillar life and not get hit on the head by a shovel!

I hate to imagine how big a moth (butterfly) that huge caterpillar is going to turn into someday.

Fish Folly
OK, this isn't really about my yard, but it's wildlife related. It started when The Girl wanted a hamster and we told her no, so she talked us into a fish instead. She got a pretty Beta, and she named him "Jaws."

We have a great two-bowl system for changing the fishes water, and yesterday set about preparing the new water for the changeover. When it was time, I took the little net and tried to scoop him into it. Over time, however, it seems that Jaws has come to appreciate the changeover less and less, and has taken to trying to escape the net.

After a few tries, I successfully landed him in the net, and moved to put him into the new bowl. I was halfway there when he suddenly flipped himself free and landed on the bathroom counter! The Girl started screaming and ran out of the room, while the fish flipped again, and momentarily disappeared. I pulled the other bowl out of the sink, and found him in the sink bowl with the drain wide open! I moved quickly to scoop him up, but even then it took a few tries.

Finally I was able to hold onto him somehow, and toss him into the new bowl. The Girl came back in just in time to see the conclusion of this fiasco.

Who knew having a fish would be this scary?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


The Boy's High-School graduation was really nice. I'd been a bit worried, as our parents haven't really talked to each other in over 10 years, and both sets came to town for the occasion. But everything went surprisingly well, and our parents even seemed to get along. The Boy was nice to everyone and even stuck around to visit a little bit.

At the last minute I went out and bought a new dress for the ceremony, and I was lucky to find one that was really cute. I splurged on a pair of sunglasses that matched.

There were some nice speeches, and they kept the proceedings pretty short because of the heat. I recognized the Boy pretty easily, as he had worn his colorful shoes with his gown. We cheered at the names we knew, and at the end they threw their hats into the air.

It was really moving. I hadn't made the Girl go, as it was her last day of school and her friends were having parties. Plus we were short a ticket. But when it was over I wished she had been there to see it. It was a nice experience.

We went out to eat that night. The next day we toured CSULB, where the Boy will attend school next fall. It looks like a nice school, and he should do well if he applies himself.

We went out to eat that night too (PF Chang's) to celebrate our anniversary (22 years) and the in-laws anniversary (49 years). Theirs was that day, Friday, and ours was the next day, Saturday. We celebrated a night early, as we were having the grad party on Saturday.

On Saturday we had our long-anticipated Graduation Party. It was very nice, in spite of the power going off. It was really, really hot, so it was a bad time for the electricity to shut off! Just as the neighborhood band plugged in their amp, the whole block went out.

I think the band was more disappointed than anyone, as they'd really wanted to play.

Thank God we had the pool, as it was really hot for a few hours. Then a breeze picked up and it was nicer. The electric company came out and said we needed a new transformer, so he requested one. All together it took about 6 hours to get the electricity fixed. Half of our party was intrigued with the whole process however, and stood transfixed in the yard as they watched the guy in the cherry=picker replace this transformer.

Not as many people came to the party as I'd feared, so we had lots of food left over. It's hard to gauge when you invite nearly everyone you know and don't ask for RSVPs. The Boy had a nice time I think, and cleanup wasn't bad at all. We saw some good friends and had a great time visiting with everyone.

It was kindof nice that it was our anniversary too. In the middle of the party, we'd pass each other and remember, and take a moment to kiss each other and appreciate all that got us to this moment. It seemed right that we were marking this passage on our anniversary.

The next day my parents treated us all to brunch at Whole Foods, which was near their hotel in Pasadena (on Arroyo). They were really excited about it,but I was skeptical. Brunch at Whole Foods? But it turned out to be really nice, and we could special order lots of things, like omelets and pancakes. I ended up liking it a lot.

All in all we had a surprisingly good time. I think the Boy is just starting to realize that he accomplished something. Granted, all he had to do is stay in school, but not everyone can do that.

I feel we've given him a decent start in life. I'm glad about that.

The rest is up to him.