I've been a bit sour on parenthood lately. I see people with young children at Disneyland and I want to say, "Don't waste your time/money bringing your kids here so young. In 3 years they won't even remember it!"
Or watching "Jon and Kate plus 8", I want to weep for them in about 10 years. Having a teenager in the house is like living with the enemy. They've turned against you (as is their job to become independent), yet you're destined to live with them for a few more years.
I have to talk myself down from times like these, because I don't want to take it out on The Girl, who is still sweet, helpful and pleasant. I'm trying not to let my apathy take over. After all, maybe she will be nicer to us in her teen years than her brother.
Actually, I had a nice Mother's Day. Actually, it kindof started on Saturday, when I called my mom to make sure she'd gotten my present in the mail. That night I tried my hand at tortillas, and they turned out almost as good as Mom's. But the way they made the house smell transported me back in time, when I was a kid and our house often smelled that way. It smelled warm, like home.
I appreciate my Mom.
The Boy was nice enough to buy me a present, altho he declined to make me breakfast with his sister, as he had bought me a present, after all, and that should be enough. And I guess it was.
The Boy had to go to work early that day (9:30 am), so K and The Girl took me out for brunch to one of my favorite places. It wasn't as busy as I had feared, and we got there close enough to lunch to get my favorite combo (Jackie O salad and Portabella mini pizza). Yum!
Plus, Sunday is Farmer's Market day there, and I got to wander around and look at produce and other stuff to my heart's content. I saw an ex-coworker from Disney, and finally bought a copy of one of his watercolors.
Then we went home and I mostly got my way for most of the day. A few times I had to invoke the MOTHER'S DAY RULE, but mostly it was relaxing and a fun day. I recycled more pill boxes into art, but have no idea what I'm going to do with them yet. I found a good book in the library called Doodle Stitching, and I think I'm going to buy a copy to keep. It's got a good description of all the embroidery stitches in the beginning, which is a good reference.
For dinner, I asked K to make his best dish for me - chicken wings. We'd picked up some asparagus at the Farmers Market, and he sauted those in a little butter and olive oil. I've been reading the latest Barbara Kingsolver book, and had just read a chapter on asparagus. So far it seems like a good book, when it's not trying to make me feel guilty (tap water kills fish!)
K also bought two avacados on sale, so we had guacamole for an appetizer.
It was one of the most delicious meals ever. The wings were crispy and hot, the asparagus tender and nutty.