We had a nice, if fractured, Christmas. I got back from CO on the 20th, and it was downhill to Christmas after that. We bought last minute presents and finished getting ready. On Saturday we went to see some friends from college who are moving to Santa Monica, and the whole family was in town for a few days. We went to breakfast and then walked around for awhile. That's were we saw this tree made of shopping carts!
The Boy's birthday came on the 23rd. He was so happy that day, saying, "I'm a MAN now! Mom, what do you think about your boy who's a MAN now?" We took him to brunch with his friends, since he had to work that night. Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles was his choice. He tried to think of all the things he could do now that he's 18 - drive (hasn't taken the test yet), vote, serve on a jury and help decide someone's fate, and buy things with a valid contract.
He got an iPod from his girlfriend, and he was SO happy. She spent way too much on him, but he loved it. The Girl was jealous.
The next day was Christmas eve, but we tried to celebrate a lot that day, as K (my husband) had to go to work early on Christmas day. So I made a nice dinner, which wasn't too hard. The Girl kept saying we should start, but there was nothing that had to cook all day (like a turkey). We had ham. I also boiled some potatoes (for the Girl to mash), made spaghetti squash (which the Girl LOVES. It's very good), warmed up some tamales, made mole from a jar, and that was about it! K proclaimed it delicious.
Then we went to church, where the Girl had been asked to read something in their Holiday performance. She got SO nervous! Then some little kids lined up to sing, and they were SO, so cute!! One boy on the end barely knew the words, but kindof kept up with the motions. Then another girl who started out in the back row pushed her way to front, like "this is my chance!" She did that every song they sang. They were funny because they were so cute.
K was supposed to open all his gifts that night, but he got sleepy and decided to wait until he returns from work. As is tradition, we all opened one present, with several of us feeling like we opened our best present that night! That's not supposed to happen! The Girl opened the present she was most curious about, and it was an iPod too! From her Grandparents! Then it was the Boy who was jealous, until he determined that hers was 2 Gigs and his was 4Gigs. Also hers was engraved with her name, but he doesn't care about things like that.
Also, K started a NEW tradition of balancing the presents on our head before we open them. Whatever, don't ask me.
The next morning K was gone, so the kids and I got up and started opening presents. Our dog wins the prize for most liking his present, because once we opened it, he couldn't stop playing with it!
Once, when the Girl removed the wrapping paper from one of her presents, she found a Swann's quesadilla box. I said, "Oh, great! Quesadillas!" and the girl said yeah, and put it aside. As if that was really her present! Just kidding, kid! Inside was the station to a Mexican Train domino set.
We all got nice gifts, and people seemed to like what I got them, too. We ate eggnog french toast with syrup and leftover ham, which is just SO yummy! I'll post the recipes soon.
Merry, merry, and Happy, happy too!!!
I'm looking for '08 to be great. Or at least really, really good.