Saturday, September 23, 2006


I saw a picture in a bead magazine of a project I thought I could actually accomplish, and I got motivated. I made bookmarks, with beads at the ends that hang out of the book. The magazine called them "Book Thongs", but that doesn't sound too comfortable for the book.

Including another bead magazine and some cute beads and a ball of hemp ($8.99!) and a few small presents, I managed to spend $69 at Michaels. I was a little depressed by that, I think. Freaking bead magazines cost nearly as much as a book! Then I came home and started using up beads like crazy. I made about 6 of these bookmarks them in one evening.

I think they came out really nicely, but I think I'll miss some of my favorite beads. I was glad to be able to use the beads I made in pottery class too. They were being wasted.

So that's a good thing about bookmarks. They make good Christmas presents.

The strange thing is that very night, ALL the bookmarks on my browser mysteriously dissapeared. WTF? The boy says he didn't do it, so I guess that can only mean one of two things: Another Freaking Computer Virus, or a lying boy.

But a coincidence, eh? Bookmark bugaboo.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Don't be lying

Bitchin' and crying
Suck it up as a loss

"Number One", Nelly

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Big Trouble

Think twice
That's my only advice...
Crazy, Gnarles Barkley

I've been upset with my horoscope lately (Pisces). For two months now it's been claiming that a relationship of mine can blow sky high over something little. Part of me has been on guard for that, the other hopes it's not true. And I've had to be strong and have difficult conversations with various people for various reasons, but so far nothing bad had happened.

Then Saturday, after a fast and furious week where I barely managed to get myself and my kids to the right place at the right time while working and taking a new class, I did IT. The Something Stupid that made a certain situation blow up in my face. Not that I knew it right away, but I had a bad feeling about it the rest of the weekend.

Sunday night I was watching "Elizabeth I" on HBO, and that night I had terrible dreams about a government that would brutally kill people without any reason. I had to wake up and make myself have another dream. I woke up with a headache.

Then my boss called me to tell me all about the situation that had gone awry. Not only had I managed to make someone "livid" with me, but she then tried to get me in as much trouble as possible. Overreact much? Lucky for me my Boss is very understanding (so far). He even offered to do the work for me, so I could still get paid. I've really come to believe he may be the nicest boss I've ever had.

Also, he's my Guru of emotional management. He's always encouraged me to let things go and not take things personally, and I think it's finally working. Or maybe I've just been in the business long enough to just know that's how it is. I cried, I answered her email and apologized, and then I let it go. I told my husband, "Luckily I've got lots of other problems to concentrate on."

And so I concentrated on those other things, and hopefully made some headway on other fronts. It's strange, but for someone that doesn't have many sales, I've got lots of things I need to follow up on and take care of. It makes me feel like I'm working, and even if I'm not making much money at the moment, someday it will come around.

One of those things I'm working on is taking a course in Income Tax. It's strange to me that as complicated and exact as everything seems to be, the teacher will turn around and say it's OK to make mistakes, nobody's perfect. It seems like, since you're filing it with the Federal government, you could get in major trouble if you do something wrong. Instead, they make it seem like you'd have to do something major to get into trouble. Unlike Real Estate, where many little things can get you into Big Trouble.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Vacation rundown

We took three weeks off and drove to Colorado by way of Las Vegas. We took the dog with us, so we couldn't stay in the Flamingo, which bummed K out (or he just likes to complain about the dog.) But we stayed across from the Hard Rock, right after it was in an episode of Entourage, so that was fun.

We saw lots of family and old friends, and mostly had a great time. We also spent time trying to rent out our new duplex, but didn't have much luck with that. My friend (the realtor) was in the hospital the entire time, so I'm still worried about him.

On the way back we stopped in Salt Lake City, which we'd never been to before. Home of my beloved "Dooce." First we drove through Wyoming, which was nearly excruiatingly boring. Utah was much prettier, although I was surprised to find SLC is not that big. It seems about the size of Colorado Springs. I like all the old buildings that have been renovated, I liked the looks of the college, and it seems to have lots of cute neighborhoods.

On the down side, it seems that industry has precidence over tourism. Nearly everywhere we went, it seemed we could see a big factory or refinery or mining operation. A huge mining operation in the mountains(Bingham Canyon Mine) is a blight on what otherwise would be beautiful scenery. The Great Salt Lake was not so great. It was the trip's biggest disapointment - even the marina seemed dead and full of flies. I bet if we had gone to another part of the lake it must surely look better (if not smell better!)

On the last day, we hiked to Tipanagos Caves, which are 1.5 miles UP the mountain. I really enjoyed the caves, although I nearly died getting there. It was really embarrasing being passed by little kids who just strolled up the hill with their parents (who are evidently much younger than me!) K tried to make me feel better by claiming there were people we passed who never made it up there, but I'm not sure that's true.

It made clear to me how out of shape I am, and how fat I'm getting. As much as I've tried to change my eating habits and get some exercise, clearly it isn't enough. I guess my only option at this point is to start seriously exercising and training for... something.

Being around family had its usual pitfalls of people doing things I don't understand and I'm not allowed to ask about. But I've decided that instead of dwelling on those confusing and difficult events, instead I'll try to dwell on the NICE things people have done for me:

-Nice Things-
Mom made a special meal because I requested it. She bought the kids some great school clothes and probably spent way too much money.

My sister highlighted my hair.

My mother-in-law sent us money to help with the trip. She also had Pepsi on hand for me to drink, because she knows I like it.

Another sister offered to help me with the duplex. Another sister offered to let us have the keys to her house so we could watch Entourage when she WASN'T EVEN THERE! This was before we realized my parents do indeed still get HBO.

My husband made me coffee this morning, and is trying to recharge my car battery, which I accidently drained before our trip.