They felt that not getting a fully executed contract back to them by Thursday was a dealbreaker. I did not realize that this was so, and was trying to help them manage their many fears and not squelch the deal with this generous other agent, because they were starting to seem like pain-in-the-ass tenants. They even consulted a lawyer to make sure they could get out of the deal on Thursday. I wonder how much they had to pay that lawyer, and what it's going to take to get paid myself.
So anyway,I'm glad to have them out of my life now. There's no way I would want to help them again. So I'm lucky to have gotten out of it. I was beginning to be afraid that they were going to get me into some kind of trouble.
I haven't figured out a good spot for a garden in my new yard, but I missed having a garden of some sort. So I planted a few big pots with some basics (salsa, anyone?), and I'm Miracle-growing and hoping for the best.